The title chosen for this most recent period is a temporary convenience, since this section will undoubtedly have to be broken into two or more parts when more recent publications are incorporated, but Eclectic seems appropriate since modern science fiction and fantasy draws its ideas from all the preceding eras and the widest possible range of modern knowledge. The authors in this section were all born from 1939 onwards. The nearer we get to the present day the more difficult it is to judge what stories are genuinely "the best" and will stand the test of time.
Michael (John) Moorcock (1939-)
Margaret Atwood (1939-)
Gordon Honeycomb (-)
Barry N(orman) Malzberg (1939-)
Sydney (Joyce) van Scyoc (1939-)
Thomas Harris (1940-)
Thomas M(ichael) Disch (1940-)
Angela (Olive) Carter (1940-1992)
Alexei Panshin (1940-)
Norman (Richard) Spinrad (1940-)
Anne Rice (Howard O'Brien 1941-; married poet Stan Rice 1961)
Jane Gaskell (Lynch) (1941-)
William (Reinhold) Hjortsberg (1941-)
Sam J(errie) Lundwall (1941-)
Gregory (Albert) Benford (1941-)
David Brin (-)
Samuel R(ay) Delany (1942-)
Charles (Lewis) Grant (1942-)
John Crowley (1942-)
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (1942-)
C. J. Cherryh (Carolyn Janice Cherry 1942-)
Dennis Etchison (1943-)
Christopher (McKenzie) Priest (1943-)
Robert Marasco (-)
Peter Straub (1943-)
Ian Watson (1943-)
Paul Edwin Zimmer (1943-)
Mick Farren (1943-)
Joe W. Haldeman (1943-)
David Gerrold (Jerrold David Friedman 1944-)
Christopher Stasheff (1944-)
Jack (Laurence) Chalker (1944-)
Ann Maxwell (Elizabeth Lowell 1944-)
Vernor (Steffen) Vinge (1944-)
M(ichael) John Harrison (1945-)
Dean (Ray) Koontz (1945-)
Bill Starr (-)
Whitley Strieber (1945-)
Karl Edward Wagner (1945-1994)
Edward Bryant (1945-)
Michael Bishop (1945-)
Rob(ert Dean) Chilson (1945-)
Gordon Eklund (1945-)
George Zebrowski (1945-)
Mark S. Geston (1946-)
F(rancis) Paul Wilson (1946-)
Alan Dean Foster (1946-)
Robert (Graham) Irwin (1946-)
(John) Ramsey Campbell (1946-)
T.E.D.Klein (Theodore Eibon Donald Klein 1947-)
Stephen King (1947-)
Tanith Lee (Kaiine) (1947-)
George Alec Effinger (1947-)
Bernard Taylor (-)
John (Herbert) Varley (1947-)
Jonathan (David) Fast (1948-)
Robert (Paul) Holdstock (1948-)
Vonda N(eel) McIntyre (1948-)
Terry Pratchett (1948-)
George R(aymond) R(ichard) Martin (1948-)
Marta Randall (1948-)
(Paul) 'Spider' Robinson (1948-)
Pamela Sargent (1948-)
Dan Simmons (1948-)
Brian M(ichael) Stableford (1948-)
Jonathan Carroll (1949-)
Peter (Warwick) Ackroyd (1949-)
David Morrell (-)
Arthur Byron Cover (1950-)
Richard Laymon (-)
Greg Bear (1951-)
Douglas (N.) Adams (1952-2001)
Tim(othy) Powers (1952-)
Clive Barker (1952-)
Jean Mark Gawron (pronounced Gavron 1953-)
Iain M. Banks (1954-)
Robert McCammon (-)
John Barnes (1957-)
Roger MacBride Allen (1957-)
Tom Holt (Thomas Charles Louis Holt 1961-)
Kevin J. Anderson (1962-)