A Guide to Fantasy Authors and Tales

compiled by George Jelliss

Part 6 — The Modern Eclectic Age

The title chosen for this most recent period is a temporary convenience, since this section will undoubtedly have to be broken into two or more parts when more recent publications are incorporated, but ‘Eclectic’ seems appropriate since modern science fiction and fantasy draws its ideas from all the preceding eras and the widest possible range of modern knowledge. The authors in this section were all born from 1939 onwards. The nearer we get to the present day the more difficult it is to judge what stories are genuinely "the best" and will stand the test of time.

Michael (John) Moorcock (1939-)
“Because he has written copiously for nearly 50 years, because he constantly revises and retitles his texts, and because he habitually reshuffles the order in which those texts appear in omnibuses and collected editions, his bibliography is a nightmare.” [EOF] “Moorcock's series tend to interlock, to a point where it would take a three dimensional grid to work them out.” [RGS] — The Golden Barge 58/65/79, The Sundered Worlds (The Blood-Red Game) 62/65/70/92, The Wrecks of Time (The Rituals of Infinity) 65[as James Colvin]/67/71, The Fireclown (The Winds of Limbo) 65/69, The Twilight Man (The Shores of Death) 66/70; The Deep Fix 66 [as James Colvin]; The Real Life of Mr Newman 66/79; The Time Dweller 69; Moorcock's Book of Martyrs (Dying for Tomorrow) 76/78, Sojan the Swordsman (jv) 77; Gloriana (The Unfulfill'd Queene, a Romance) 78/93; My Experiences in the Third World War 80. Mother London 88; The New Nature of the Catastrophe 93. — Elric series: The Stealer of Souls 61-3, Elric of Melniboné, (The Dreaming City) 72, The Jade Man's Eyes 73, The Sailor on the Seas of Fate 76, The Fortress of the Pearl 89, The Weird of the White Wolf 77, The Singing Citadel 70, The Sleeping Sorceress (The Vanishing Tower) 71 (77), The Revenge of the Rose 91, The Bane of the Black Sword 62/77, Stormbringer 63/65/77. Elric at the End of Time ?. This series began as short stories in Science Fantasy 1961-64. — Daker/Erekose series: The Eternal Champion 62/70/78, Phoenix in Obsidian (The Silver Warriors) 70/73, The Swords of Heaven 79, The Flowers of Hell 79 (with Howard Chaykin), The Dragon in the Sword 86/87. — Kane series: [originally as by Edward P. Bradbury] Warriors of Mars (The City of the Beast) 65, Blades of Mars (The Lord of the Spiders) 65, Barbarians of Mars (The Masters of the Pit) 65. — Hawkmoon series: The Jewel in the Skull 67, Sorcerer's Amulet (The Mad God's Amulet) 68, The Sword of the Dawn 68, The (Secret of the) Runestaff 69; Count Brass 73, The Champion of Garathorm 73, The Quest for Tanelorn 75. — Cornelius series: The Final Programme 68, A Cure for Cancer 71, The English Assassin 72, The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius 76, The Condition of Muzak 77, The Adventures of Una Persson and Catherine Cornelius in the Twentieth Century 76, The Entropy Tango 81, The Opium General and other stories 84. — Cornell series (from an initial draft by Roger Harris): The LSD Dossier 66, Somewhere in the Night (The Chinese Agent) 66 [as Bill Barclay]/70, The Printer's Devil (The Russian Intelligence) 66 [as BB]/80. — Corum series: The Knight of the Swords 71, The Queen of the Swords 71, The King of the Swords 71; The Bull and the Spear 73, The Oak and the Ram 73, The Sword and the Stallion 74; omnibus: The Prince with the Silver Hand 93. — Dancers at the End of Time series: An Alien Heat 72, The Hollow Lands 74, The End of All Songs 76, Legends from the End of Time 76, The Transformation of Miss Mavis Ming (a Messiah at the End of Time) 76, omnibus; Legends from the End of Time 93. — Von Bek series: The War Hound and the World's Pain 81, The City in the Autumn Stars 86, The Brothel in Rosenstrasse 82, Blood: A Southern Fantasy 95, Fabulous Harbours 95, Lunching with the Antichrist 95. — Pyat series: Byzantium Endures 81, The Laughter of Carthage 84, Jerusalem Commands 92. — Bastable series: The Nomad of (the) Time (Streams) 82/93 [= The Warlord of the AirThe Land Leviathan 74, The Steel Tsar 81]. — Sailing to Utopia 93 [= The Ice Schooner 66/69/77/85, The Black Corridor, The Distant Suns]. — Karl Glogauer stories: Behold the Man 66/69/94, Breakfast in the Ruins 72, — Joints: with James Cawthorn: Caribbean Crisis 62 [as Desmond Reid]; with Hilary Bailey The Black Corridor 69; with Michael Butterworth: The Time of the Hawklords 76; Queens of Deliria 77. — Critical: Epic Pooh 78; Wizardry and Wild Romance; A Study of Epic Fantasy 87.

Margaret Atwood (1939-)
The Handmaid's Tale 85 dystopic near future.

Gordon Honeycomb (-)
Neither the Sea nor the Sand 69;

Barry N(orman) Malzberg (1939-)
The Falling Astronauts 71; Beyond Apollo 72; The Destruction of the Temple 74; Herovit's World ?; The Gamesman 75; The Many Worlds of ... 75; Scop 76; The Best of ... 76; The Last Transaction 77. — as K.M.O'Donnell: Universe Day 71; The Final War 69; Dwellers of the Deep 70.

Sydney (Joyce) van Scyoc (1939-)
Saltflower 71; Assignment Nor'Dyren 73; StarMother 76; Cloudcry 77.

Thomas Harris (1940-)
Black Sunday 75; Red Dragon 81; Silence of the Lambs 88; Hannibal 99.

Thomas M(ichael) Disch (1940-)
The Genocides; Mankind Under the Leash (White Fang Goes Dingo); Echo Round His Bones; Camp Concentration; 334; The Businessman: A Tale of Terror (1984); One Hundred and Two H-Bombs, Getting Into Death two short story collections.

Angela (Olive) Carter (1940-1992)
Shadow Dance 66 villain-hero Honeybuzzard and victim-heroine Ghislaine; Heroes and Villains 69 order and chaos, which is right?; Love 71; The Infernal Desire Machines of Dr Hoffmann (War of Dreams) 72, includes: The Mansion of Midnight, The Acrobats of Desire; Fireworks 74; The Passion of New Eve 77; The Bloody Chamber 79; The Sadeian Woman 79, nonfiction cultural history; Nights at the Circus 84; Wise Children 91; The Magic Toyshop ?.

Alexei Panshin (1940-)
Rite of Passage 63/68; — Anthony Villiers series: Star Well 68; The Thurb Revolution 68; Masque World 69; "Recounting the adventures of an unusually likeable rogue and his intelligent giant frog of a companion in a dizzily far-fetched future, they are authentically funny ..." [RGS].

Norman (Richard) Spinrad (1940-)
The Men in the Jungle 67; Big Jack Barron 69; The Iron Dream (The Lord of the Swastika) 72;

Anne Rice (Howard O'Brien 1941-; married poet Stan Rice 1961)
The Feast of All Saints 79, set in New Orleans; Cry to Heaven 82, about castrati of 18th century Venice; The Mummy (Ramses the Damned) 89; Servant of the Bones 96; Violin 97. — Vampire series: Interview with the Vampire 76, filmed 94; The Vampire Lestat 85/91; Queen of the Damned 88; The Tale of the Body Thief 92; Memnoch the Devil 95. — Mayfair Witches: The Witching Hour 90; Lasher 94; Taltos: Lives of the Mayfair Witches 94; — Erotica [as Anne Rampling]: Exit to Eden 85; Belinda 86. [as A. N. Roquelaure]: The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty 83, Beauty's Punishment 84, Beauty's Release 85.

Jane Gaskell (Lynch) (1941-)
Atlan series: five novels The Serpent (1963), Atlan (1965), The City (1966), Some Summer Lands (1977), fifth?; A Sweet, Sweet Summer.

William (Reinhold) Hjortsberg (1941-)
Falling Angel (1978) voodoo, faust and detection; filmed by Alan Parker as Angel Heart 1987.

Sam J(errie) Lundwall (1941-)
Alice's World 71; 2018AD or The King Kong Blues ?.

Gregory (Albert) Benford (1941-)
Deeper than Darkness (The Stars in Shroud) 70; In the Ocean of Night 77; If the Stars were Gods 77 [with Gordon Eklund]; Find the Changeling 80 [with GE]; Shiva Descending 80, [with William Rotsler]; Timescape 80; Against Infinity 83; Across the Sea of Suns 84; Artefact 85; Heart of the Comet 86, [with David Brin]; In Alien Flesh 86; Great Sky River 87; Tides of Light 89; Beyond the Fall of Night 90 [with Arthur C. Clarke]; Chiller 93 [as Sterling Blake]; Furious Gulf 94; Sailing Bright Eternity 95; Matter's End 96; A Darker Geometry [with Mark O. Martin]; Foundation's Fear 97, an ‘authorised’ Asimov sequel; Cosm 98; The Martian Race 99; Eater 00; Worlds Vast and Various 00. Skylife [with George Zebrowski].

David Brin (-)
The Practice Effect, The Postman, Heart of the Comet 1986 [with Gregory Benford], The River of Time, Glory Season, Otherness [short stories and essays], Foundation's Triumph, Earth 1990 [Against a background of ecological disaster, a physicist struggles to control a black hole, possibly of alien origin, that is eating at Earth's core, and develops gravity lasers ('gasers'). At the same time his psychologist grandmother is making breakthroughs in introducing consciousness into the world wide web. While other forces of old wealth, green fanaticism and the military are working against them.] Uplift series: Sundiver, Startide Rising, The Uplift War, Brightness Reef, Infinity's Shore, Heaven's Reach.

Samuel R(ay) Delany (1942-)
The Jewels of Aptor 1962; The Fall of the Towers; Babel-17; The Einstein Intersection; Nova 1968; Driftglass (and other stories) includes "Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-precious Stones", "Aye, and Gomorrah"; Dhalgren 1975; Triton.

Charles (Lewis) Grant (1942-)
The Shadow of Alpha; The Hour of the Oxrun Dead; Legion; Ascension.

John Crowley (1942-)
The Deep; Beasts.

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (1942-)
Vampire stories featuring the (historical) Count de Saint-Germain and/or his lover Atta Olivia Clemens: Hotel Transylvania 78, The Palace 78, Blood Games 80, Path of the Eclipse 81, Tempting Fate 82, The Saint-Germain Chronicles 83, A Flame in Byzantium 87, Crusader's Torch 88, A Candle for D'Artagnan 89, Out of the House of Life 90, The Spider Glass 91, Darker Jewels 93, Better in the Dark 93, Mansions of Darkness 96. Also much other work, including detective series and quasi-fictional occult tracts.

C. J. Cherryh (Carolyn Janice Cherry 1942-)
Well of Shiuan 73; Gate of Ivrel 76; Brothers of Earth 76; Hunter of Worlds 77; [Faded Sun: Kesrith 78, Shonjir 78, Kutath 79]; Fires of Azeroth 79; Hestia 79; Serpent's Reach 80; Downbelow Station 81; The Dreamstone 83; Sunfall 81; Ealdwood 81; Wave Without a Shore 81; Merchanter's Luck 82; Port Eternity 82; The Pride of Chanur 82; Forty Thousand in Gehenna 83; The Tree of Swords and Jewels 83; Voyager in Night 84; Chanur's Venture 84; Chronicles of Morgaine 85; Angel with the Sword 85; Cuckoo's Egg 85; The Kif Strike Back 85; Chanur's Homecoming 86; Visible Light 86; The Gates of Hell (with Janet E. Morris) 86; Glass and Amber 87; Legions of Hell 87; Kings in Hell [with JEM] 87; Exile's Gate 88; [Cyteen: Betrayal 88; Rebirth 88; Vindication 89]; The Paladin 88; A Dirge for Sabis (with Leslie Fish) 89; Wizard Spawn [with Nancy Asire] 89; Reap the Whirlwind [with Mercedes Lackey] 89; Rimrunners 89; [Rusalka 89; Chernevog 91; Yvgenie 91]; Heavy Time 91; Hellburner 92; Chanur's Legacy 92; The Goblin Mirror 92; Faery in Shadow 93; Foreigner 94; Tripoint 94; Fortress in the Eye of Time 95; Invader 95; Rider at the Gate 95, (main source of this list) a "Western" with telepathic horses!; Cloud's Rider 96; Inheritor 96; Finity's End 97; Fortress of Eagles 98; Fortress of Owls 99; Precursor 99; Fortress of Dragons 00; The Hanan Rebellion 00; Hammerfall 2001.

Dennis Etchison (1943-)
Short stories: The Dark Country (1982) includes: It Only Comes Out at Night, Sitting in the Corner Whimpering Quietly, The Late Shift, The Machine Demands a Sacrifice, Caling All Monsters, The Dead Line, The Pitch, We Have Been Here Before, Daughter of the Golden West.

Christopher (McKenzie) Priest (1943-)
Indoctrinaire; Fugue for a Darkening Island; The Inverted World; The Space Machine; Real-Time World; An Infinite Summer 79; The Affirmation 81; The Glamour 84; The Prestige 95.

Robert Marasco (-)
Burnt Offerings 73, a vampire house.

Peter Straub (1943-)
Julia (Full Circle) 75; If You Could See Me Now 77; Ghost Story 79, filmed 81, horror story with literary allusions; Shadowland 80, an aging magician seeks a successor; Floating Dragon 82; The Talisman [with Stephen King] 84; Blue Rose [= Koko 88, Mystery 90, The Throat 93]; Houses Without Doors 90, includes: Blue Rose 85, Mrs God 90; The Ghost Village 92; The Hellfire Club 96. .

Ian Watson (1943-)
The Embedding 73, search for a root language; The Jonah Kit; The Martian Inca; The Very Slow Time Machine 79; The Gardens of Delight 80; Sunstroke 82; Slow Birds 85; The Book of Ian Watson 85; The Books of the Black Current 86 [= The Book of the River 84; The Book of the Stars 84; The Book of Being 85]; Queenmagic, Kingmagic 86; Evil Water 87; Meat 88; The Fire Worm 88; Salvage Rites 89; Stalin's Teardrops 91; Lucky's Harvest 93; The Fallen Moon 94; The Coming of Vertumnus 94.

Paul Edwin Zimmer (1943-)
First novels written with sister Marion Zimmer Bradley; Elfmounds 80; The Lost Prince 82, King Chondos' Ride 82, A Gathering of Heroes 87, Ingulf the Mad 89, forming the Dark Border series; Blood of the Colyn Muir [with Jon DeCles] 88.

Mick Farren (1943-)
The Texts of Festival 73; The Tale of Willy's Rats 75; The Quest of the DNA Cowboys 76; DNA Cowboys: Synaptic Manhunt 76; DNA Cowboys: The Neural Atrocity 77; The Feelies 78; The Song of Phaid the Gambler 81; Protectorate 84; Corp.S.E. (Vickers) 86; Their Masters' War 87; Exit Funtopia 88; The Long Orbit 88; The Last Stand of the DNA Cowboys 89; The Armageddon Crazy 89; Mars: The Red Planet 90; Necrom 91; The Black Leather Jacket Goes on Forever 95; The Time of Feasting 96; Conspiracies, Lies, and Hidden Agendas 99; Jim Morrison's Adventures in the Afterlife 99; Car Warriors: Back from Hell 99; Darklost 2000; — with Edward Barker: Watch Out Kids 72.

Joe W. Haldeman (1943-)
War Year 72; The Forever War 75/91; Mindbridge 76; All My Sins Remembered 77; Planet of Judgment 77; Infinite Dreams 78; World without End 79; Worlds 81; Worlds Apart 83; Nineteen Sixty Eight 84; Dealing in Futures 85; Tool of the Trade 87; The Long Habit of Living (Buying Time) 89; The Hemingway Hoax 90; Worlds Enough and Time 92; Vietnam and Other Alien Worlds 93; None So Blind 96; Saul's Death and Other Poems 97; Forever Peace 97; Forever Free 99; The Coming 2000; — as Robert Graham: Attar's Revenge 75; War of Nerves 75; — with Jack C Haldeman II: There Is No Darkness 83.

David Gerrold (Jerrold David Friedman 1944-)
Space Skimmer 72; When Harlie Was One 72/88, trials of a growing computer; Yesterday's Children 72; With a Finger in My I 72; Battle for the Planet of the Apes 73; Star Trek: The Trouble with Tribbles 73/77; The Man Who Folded Himself 73, self-encounters in time; Moonstar Odyssey 77; Deathbeast 78; Star Trek: The Galactic Whirlpool 80; Chtorr: A Matter for Men 83; Chtorr: A Day for Damnation 84; Star Trek NG: Encounter at Farpoint 87; Chess with a Dragon 87; Starhunt 87; Chtorr: A Rage for Revenge 89; Voyage of the Star Wolf 90; Chtorr: A Season for Slaughter 93; Under the Eye of God 93; A Covenant of Justice 94; The Middle of Nowhere 95; Jumping Off the Planet 2000; Bouncing Off the Moon 2001; — Joints: with Larry Niven: The Flying Sorcerors 71, a humorous SF adaptation of Mark Twain's Yankee at King Arthur's Court: with Barry B. Longyear: Enemy Mine 85: with Diane Carey: Star Trek DS9: Trials and Tribble-Ations 96.

Christopher Stasheff (1944-)
A Company of Stars 91; The Gods of War 92; Sir Harold and the Monkey King 93. We Open on Venus 94; A Slight Detour 94; Dragon's eye 94; The Shaman 95; The Sage 96. — Warlock series: The Warlock in Spite of Himself 69; King Kobold 69; The W Unlocked 82; Escape Velocity 83; The W Enraged 85; The W Wandering 86; The W is Missing 86; The W Heretical 87; The W's Companion 88; The W Insane 89; The W Rock 90; W and Son 91; M'Lady Witch 94. — Wizard series(es): A W in Bedlam 79; Her Majesty's W 86; A W in Absentia 93; The Oathbound W 93; The Witch Doctor 94; The Secular Wizard 94; A W in Mind 95; A W in War 95; — Joints: [with Bill Fawcett]: The Crafters 91; Blessings and Curses 92. [with L. Sprague de Camp]: The Enchanter Reborn 92.

Jack (Laurence) Chalker (1944-)
Well World series: Midnight at the Well of Souls, Exiles at the Well of Souls, Quest for the Well of Souls, The Return of Nathan Brazil, The Legacy of Nathan Brazil.

Ann Maxwell (Elizabeth Lowell 1944-)
Change 75; The Singer Enigma 76; A Dead God Dancing 79; Name of a Shadow 80; The Jaws of Menx 81; Fire Dancer 82; Dancer's Luck 83; Dancer's Illusion 83; Timeshadow Rider 86; In the 'Dancer' series Rheba the fire dancer and her Bre'n mentor Kirtn assisted by snake-like translator Fssa return assorted species in their spaceship the Devalon to their homes, where they are usually unwelcome.

Vernor (Steffen) Vinge (1944-)
Grimm's World 69; The Witling76; and many short stories.

M(ichael) John Harrison (1945-)
The Committed Men; The Pastel City (1971); The Centauri Device; The Machine in Shaft Ten shorts.

Dean (Ray) Koontz (1945-)
Dark of the Woods; Soft Come the Dragons; Demon Seed filmed; Beastchild; A Darkness in My Soul; Nightmare Journey.

Bill Starr (-)
The Way to Dawnworld 75; The Treasure of Wonderwhat 77.

Whitley Strieber (1945-)
The Wolfen 78, werewolves reinvented, filmed 81; The Hunger 81, vampirism; The Night Church 84, black magic.

Karl Edward Wagner (1945-1994)
Sign of the Salamander 75; In a Lonely Place 83; Why Not You And I? 87; Unthreatened by the Morning Light 89.
Kane series: Darkness Weaves 70/78; Death Angel's Shadow 73; Bloodstone 75; Dark Crusade 76; Night Winds 78; The Book of Kane 85.
— Contributions to other series: Legion from the Shadows 76; The Road of Kings.

Edward Bryant (1945-)
Among the Dead 73; Phoenix Without Ashes 75; novelisation of Harlan Ellison's "Starlost" teleplay; Cinnabar 76. Wyoming Sun 80; Particle Theory 81; Trilobyte 87; Neon Twilight 90; The Man of the Future 90; The Cutter 91; Fetish 91; Darker Passions 92; The Thermals of August 92; Flirting With Death 99.

Michael Bishop (1945-)
Death and Designation Among the Asadi 73; The White Otters of Childhood 73; On the Street of the Serpents 74; Allegiances 75; Blooded on Arachne 75 (82); Cathadonian Odyssey 75; Rogue Tomato 75; A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire 75; And Strange at Echatan the Trees (Beneath the Shattered Moons) 76; A Little Knowledge 77; Stolen Faces 77; Catacomb Years 79; Transfigurations 79; Eyes of Fire 80; Under Heaven's Bridge 81 [with Ian Watson]; No Enemy But Time 82; Who Made Stevie Crye? 84; One Winter In Eden 84; Ancient of Days 85; Close Encounters With The Deity 86; Philip K Dick Is Dead, Alas (The Secret Ascension) 87; Unicorn Mountain 88; Count Geiger's Blues 92; Brittle Innings 94; Blue Kansas Sky 2000.

Rob(ert Dean) Chilson (1945-)
The Mind Reader Astounding SF 68; The Shores of Kansas 76, psychology of time travel; As the Curtain Falls 74, far-future adventure; The Star-Crowned Kings 75, ESP; Rounded with Sleep 90, all the world's a role-playing game.

Gordon Eklund (1945-)
The Eclipse of Dawn 71; A Trace of Dreams 72; Falling Toward Forever 75; Serving in Time 75; Dance of the Apocalypse 76; The Grayspace Beast 76; The Starless World 78; Space Pirates 79; Twilight River 79; Star Trek: Devil World 79; A Thunder on Neptune 89; Beyond the Resurrection ?; All Times Possible ?; The Garden of Winter ?; — with Poul Anderson: Inheritors of the Earth 74; with Gregory Benford: If the Stars Are Gods 77; Find the Changeling 80; with E. E. 'Doc' Smith: Lord Tedric 78; The Space Pirates 79; Black Knight of the Iron Sphere 79; Alien Realms 80.

George Zebrowski (1945-)
Omega Point 72; Ashes and Stars 77; Macrolife 79; The Monadic Universe 77.

Mark S. Geston (1946-)
The Day Star 72; Siege of Wonder 76, magic and technology; Lords of the Starship ?; Out of the Mouth of the Dragon ?; Mirror to the Sky 92; The Allies 98.

F(rancis) Paul Wilson (1946-)
Healer 76; Wheels Within Wheels 78; The Tery 79; An Enemy of the State 80; The Tomb 84; The Touch 86; Black Wind 88; Dydeetown World 89; Soft and Others 89; Ad Statum Perspicuum 90; Midnight Mass 90; Pelts 90; Sibs (Sister Night) 91 (93); Buckets 91; The Barrens 92; The Select 93 [as Colin Andrews]; Implant 94 [as CW].
Adversary series: The Keep 81 (filmed 83), looting Nazis in Romania release an ancient evil and have to call on a Jewish historian to summon an immortal warrior ...! [HBB]. Reborn 90; Reprisal 91; Nightworld 92

Alan Dean Foster (1946-)
Humanx series: about orphan Phillip Lynx (Flinx) searching the galaxy, peopled by humans and insectoid Thranx, for his parents, with Pip his venomous pet minidragon Bloodhype, The Tar-Aiym Krang, Orphan Star, The End of The Matter. Midworld green fable about life in a jungle-world, Icerigger, Mission to Moulokin. Also a Star Trek writer.

Robert (Graham) Irwin (1946-)
The Arabian Nightmare 83/87; The Limits of Vision 86; The Mysteries of Algiers 88; Waiting for the Zaddik 91; Exquisite Corpse 95. Critical: The Arabic Beast Fable 92; The Arabian Nights: A Companion 94.

(John) Ramsey Campbell (1946-)
The Inhabitant of the Lake and Less Welcome Tenants 64; Demons By Daylight 73; The Height of the Scream 76; The Doll Who Ate His Mother 76; Bride of Frankenstein 77 [as Carl Dreadstone]; Dracula's Daughter 77 [as CD]; The Wolfman 77 [as CD]; The Face That Must Die 79; The Parasite 80; To Wake The Dead 80; The Nameless 81; Dark Companions 82; The Claw 82 [as Jay Ramsay]; Incarnate 83; Night of the Claw 85 [as JR]; Obsession 85; Cold Print 85; The Hungry Moon 86; Dark Feasts 87; Ghostly Tales 87; Medusa 87; Scared Stiff 87; The Influence 88; Ancient Images 89; Midnight Sun 90; Needing Ghosts 90; Waking Nightmares 91; The Count of Eleven 91; The Long Lost 93; Alone With The Horrors 93; Strange Things and Stranger Places 93; Two Obscure Tales 93; The Guide (Der Reisefuhrer) 94; The One Safe Place 95; The House on Nazareth Hill 96; Far Away and Never 96; The Last Voice They Hear 98; Ghosts and Grisly Things 98; Silent Children 2000; Pact of the Fathers 2001.

T.E.D.Klein (Theodore Eibon Donald Klein 1947-)
The Events at Poroth Farm (1974); The Ceremonies (1984); Dark Gods (1985).

Stephen King (1947-)
Carrie; 'Salem's Lot (1975) vampires in Maine; The Shining (1977) filmed by Stanley Kubrick in 1980.

Tanith Lee (Kaiine) (1947-)
The Birthgrave; Don't Bite the Sun, Drinking Sapphire Wine.

George Alec Effinger (1947-)
What Entropy Means to Me 72; Mixed Feelings 74; Relatives ?; Escape to Tomorrow 75; Journey into Terror 75; Those Gentle Voices 76; The Nick of Time 85; The Bird of Time 86; Shadow Money 88; The Old Funny Stuff 89; The Zork Chronicles 90; Marid Audran trilogy: When Gravity Fails 86, A Fire in the Sun 89, The Exile Kiss 91; Maureen Birnbaum, Barbarian Swordsperson: The Complete Stories 93; Schrodinger's Kitten 2000; — with Jack L. Chalker and Mike Resnick: The Red Tape War 91.

Bernard Taylor (-)
Sweetheart, Sweetheart 77, a ghost story.

John (Herbert) Varley (1947-)
The Persistence of Vision (In the Hall of the Martian Kings) 78; The Ophiuchi Hotline 77.

Jonathan (David) Fast (1948-)
Decay Magazine of Fantasy and SF 75; The Secrets of Synchronicity (Prisoner of the Planets) 77/80, 'mystic' space opera; Mortal Gods 78, 'transcendental' detective story, involving genetic engineering; The Inner Circle 79; The Beast 81.

Robert (Paul) Holdstock (1948-)
Mythago Wood 1984, Lavondyss 1988, Eye Among the Blind Earthwind Necromancer Where Time Winds Blow In the Valley of the Statues (collection) The Emerald Forest The Fetch The Hollowing Merlin's Wood, Ancient Echoes 1996.
Night Hunter series: The Stalking The Talisman The Ghost Dance The Shrine The Hexing The Labyrinth

Vonda N(eel) McIntyre (1948-)
Only at Night Clarion 71; Of Mist and Grass and Sand (Dreamsnake) 73 (78); The Exile Waiting 75/76; Fireflood 79; Aztecs (Superluminal) 77 (83); Barbary (jv) 86; Starfarers 89; Transition 91; — Worked on Star Trek novels 81-86.

Terry Pratchett (1948-)
The Carpet People 71; The Dark Side of the Sun 76; Strata 81; Only You Can Save Mankind 92; Johnny and the Dead 93; — Discworld: The Colour of Magic 83; The Light Fantastic 83/86; Equal Rites 87; Mort 87; Sourcery 88; Wyrd Sisters 88; Pyramids 89; Guards! Guards! 89; Eric 90, cover has the title 'Faust' crossed out and replaced by 'Eric'; Moving Pictures 90; Reaper Man 91; Witches Abroad 91; Small Gods 92; Lords and Ladies 92; Men at Arms 93; Soul Music 94; Interesting Times 94; Maskerade 95. — Joint: [with Stephen Briggs]: The Streets of Ankh-Morpork 93, map; The Discworld Companion 94; The Discworld Mapp 95. [with Neil Gaiman]: Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch 90; — Bromeliad or Book of Nomes (jv): Truckers 89; Diggers 90; Wings 90.

George R(aymond) R(ichard) Martin (1948-)
Fevre Dream 82; The Armageddon rag 83; A Song for Lya 76; Songs of Stars and Shadows 77; Dying of the Light 77.

Marta Randall (1948-)
Islands 76/80; Journey78.

(Paul) 'Spider' Robinson (1948-)
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon 77; Telempath 76.

Pamela Sargent (1948-)
Cloned Lives76.

Dan Simmons (1948-)
Song of Kali (1985); Carrion Comfort 83/89; Eyes I Dare Not Meet In Dreams 89; Hyperion 89; The Fall of Hyperion 90; Prayers to Broken Stones 90; Banished Dreams 90; Entropy's Bed at Midnight 90; Going After The Rubber Chicken 91; Summer of Night 91; Children of the Night 92; Summer Sketches 92; The Hollow Man 92; Lovedeath 93; Fires of Eden 94; Endymion 96.

Brian M(ichael) Stableford (1948-)
Cradle of the Sun 69; The Blind Worm 70; Dies Irae [= The Days of Glory, In the Kingdon of the Beasts, Day of Wrath] 71; To Challenge Chaos 72; Man in a Cage 76; The Face of Heaven (The Realms of Tartarus) 76 (77); The Last Days of the Edge of the World (jv) 78; The Wlking Shadow 79; Optiman (War Games) 80 (81); The Castaways of Tanagar 81; The Gates of Eden 83; The Cosmic Perspective 85; The Mind-Riders 86; The Empire of Fear 88; Slumming in Voodooland 91; Sexual Chemistry 91; The Innsmouth Heritage 92; Young Blood 92; The Hunger and Ecstasy of Vampires 96; Serpent's Blood 95; Salamander's Fire 96. — Warhammer game series [as Brian Craig]: Orpheo [= Zaragoz 89, Plague Daemon 90, Storm Warriors 91]; Ghost dancers 91. — Lydyard trilogy: The Werewolves of London 90, The Angel of Pain 91, The Carnival of Destruction 94. — Hooded Swan series: Halcyon Drift 72, Rhapsody in Black 73, Promised Land 74, Paradise Game 74, The Fenris Device 74, Swan Song 75; — Daedalus series: The Florians 76, Critical Threshold 77, Wildeblood's Empire 77, City of the Sun 78, Balance of Power 79, The Paradox of the Sets 79. — Asgard trilogy: Journey to the Centre 82, Invaders from the Centre 90, The Centre Cannnot Hold 90.

Jonathan Carroll (1949-)
The Land of Laughs (1980); The Voice of Our Shadow (1983); Bones of the Moon (1987).

Peter (Warwick) Ackroyd (1949-)
The Great Fire of London 82; Hawksmoor 1985; First Light 89; English Music 92; The House of Doctor Dee 93; Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem (The Trial of Elizabeth Cree) 95; Milton in America 96; The Plato Papers 99.

David Morrell (-)
The Totem 79, "explicit horror, mixing in supernatural elements and a scientifically rationalised form of vampirism / zombiehood / lycanthropy" [HBB].

Arthur Byron Cover (1950-)
Autumn Angels 75; The Platypus of Doom and Other Nihilists 76; The Sound of Winter 76; An East Wind Coming 79; Flash Gordon 80; Planetfall 88; Stationfall 89; The Performance of a Lifetime 97; Night of the Living Rerun 98, A Buffy the Vampire Slayer story. — with John Gregory Betancourt, as Thomas Shadwell: The Dinosaur Trackers 91. — with William F. Wu: contributions to Isaac Asimov's Robot City series.

Richard Laymon (-)
The Cellar 80; The Beast House 81; The Woods are Dark 81; Out Are the Lights 82; All Hallows' Eve 85.

Greg Bear (1951-)
Hegira 79; Psychlone (Lost Souls) 79; Beyond Heaven's Mirror 80; Strength of Stones 81; The Wind from a Burning Woman 84; The Infinity Concerto 84; Corona 84, a Star Trek novel; Blood Music 85; Eon 85; The Serpent Mage 86; The Forge of God 87; Eternity 88; Early Harvest 88; Sleepside Story 88; Tangents 89; Queen of Angels 90; Heads 90; Anvil of Stars 92; Bear's Fantasies 92; The Venging 92; Moving Mars 93; Legacy 95; Country of the Mind 96; Slant 97; Foundation and Chaos 98, an authorised Asimov sequel; Dinosaur Summer 98; Darwin's Radio 99; Darwin's Children 00; Rogue Planet 00, a Star Wars novel.

Douglas (N.) Adams (1952-2001)
Hitchhiker series: originally a radio series begun in 78, starring Peter Jones as the book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 79, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe 80, Life, the Universe and Everything 82, So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish 84, Mostly Harmless 92; Dirk Gently series: Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency 87, The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul 88.

Tim(othy) Powers (1952-)
The Skies Discrowned (Forsake the Sky) 76/86; Epitaph in Rust 76/89; The Drawing of the Dark 79; The Anubis Gates 83, "the ideal post-modern genre novel, at once science fiction, horror, literary fantasy, historical recreation, swashbuckling thriller and comic apocalypse" [HBB]; Dinner at Deviant's Palace 85; Night Moves 86; The Way Down The Hill 86; On Stranger Tides 87; The Stress of Her Regard 89; Last Call 92; Expiration Date 95.

Clive Barker (1952-)
The Books of Blood (6 vols) 84-85, the stories 'The Last Illusion' and 'The Forbidden' were filmed by Barker as 'Lord of Illusions' 95, and as two 'Candyman' films 92/95; The Damnation Game 85; The Hellbound Heart 86, filmed as 'Hellraiser' 87; Weaveworld 87, the world of faerie is preserved in the weave of a carpet; Cabal 88, filmed as 'Nightbreed' 90; In the Flesh 88; The Great and Secret Show 89; Imajica 91; The Inhuman Condition 91; The Thief of Always (jv) 92; Everville 94; The Fifth Dominion 95; The Reconciliation 95; Sacrament 96; Galilee 98; The Essential ... 99; Cold Heart Canyon 2001. Plays: Incarnations, Forms of Heaven.

Jean Mark Gawron (pronounced Gavron 1953-)
An Apology for Rain 74, journey through a surreal USA; Algorithm 78.

Iain M. Banks (1954-)
The Wasp Factory 84; Consider Phlebas 87, the first of a series about a "utopian" Culture maintained by artificial intelligences; The Player of Games 88; Use of Weapons 90; The State of the Art 91; Against a Dark Background 93; Feersum Endjinn 94; Excession 96; Inversions 98; Look to Windward 00

Robert McCammon (-)
Swan Song 87 "an epic which combines nuclear nightmare with fantastical adventure" [HBB]

John Barnes (1957-)
The Man Who Pulled Down the Sky 87; Sin of Origin 88; Orbital Resonance 91; A Million Open Doors 93; Mother of Storms 95; Kaleidoscope Century 95; Encounter with Tiber 96, with Buzz Aldrin; One for the Morning Glory 96; Washington's Dirigible 97; Patton's Spaceship 97; Caesar's Bicycle 97; Earth Made of Glass 98; Apostrophe's and Apocalypses 99; Finity 99; Candle 00.

Roger MacBride Allen (1957-)
The Torch of Honor 85; Rogue Powers 86; Farside Cannon 88; The Ring of Charon 90; Supernova [with Eric Kotani] 91; The Modular Man 92; (Isaac Asimov's) Caliban 93, based on discussions about robot laws with IA in 1990; Caliban is a no-law robot at large on the planet ‘Inferno’; (IA's) Inferno 94; (IA's) Utopia 99; Depths of Time 2000.

Tom Holt (Thomas Charles Louis Holt 1961-)
Expecting Someone Taller (1987)

Kevin J. Anderson (1962-)
Resurrection Inc. 88; [Game: Gamearth 89; Gameplay 89; Game's End 90]; Lifeline [with Doug Beason] 90; The Trinity Paradox [with DB] 91; Afterimage [with Kristine Kathryn Rusch] 92; Assemblers of Infinity [with DB] 93; Climbing Olympus 94; Blindfold 95; Born of Elven Blood [with John Gregory Betancourt] 95; Ill Wind [with DB] 95; Ignition [with DB] 96; Virtual Destruction 96; Hopscotch 97. Fallout 97; Shards of Alderaan [with Rebecca Moesta] 97; Lethal Exposure 98; Aftershock [with KKR] 98; AI! Pedrito! When Inteligence Goes Wrong 98; The Outer Limits, Armageddon Dreams 99; Akima's Story [with RM] 2000; Cale's Story [with RM] 2000; Dogged Persistence 2001. Also novels set in the worlds of Star Wars and Star Trek [with RM], Dune [with Brian Herbert] and X-Files.