Grasshopper Chess: Helpmates in 2 - with Pawns

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5 men, 4 types (KQGP)

G. Leathem
Problemist Fairy Chess Supplement #1668 February 1935
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1.Ke5 Pe8=S 2.Ge6 Qa5‡

Comment: Asymmetry

5 men, 4 types (KQGP)

P. A. Petkow
feenschach #5508 1961
Helpmate in 2, with set play

1....Kh4 2.Kh6 Qh5‡
1.Kh8 Qb4 2.Pg6 Qf8‡

Comment: G not used in set, WK not used in play

5 men, 4 types (KQGP)

P. A. Petkow
Caissas Frohliche Tiefgarage 8 #L44e 1970
Helpmate in 2, with set play

1....Pf8=G 2.Kf1 Qf2‡
1.Gb7 Pg8=Q 2.Gd5 Qff2‡

Comment: Changed promotion, but G not used in final mate position

5 men, 4 types (KRGP)

P. A. Petkow
feenschach #5327 1961
Helpmate in 2, with set play

1....Ra3 2.Kh1 Rh3‡
1.Kh1 Rb2 2.Pg1=G Gc1‡

Comment: Changed mate, promotion to G

5 men, 4 types (KBGP)

T. R. Dawson
Fairy Chess Review #9175 1952
Helpmate in 2, with set mate

set 1....Gd1‡
1.Pd3† Kb3 2.Pd2 Ba2‡

Comment: Echo: reflection in a1-h8 diagonal (BP bystander)

6 men 3 types (KGP)

O. Kaila
Kieler N. N. #948, 24 February 1935
Helpmate in 2 with set play

1....Pf8=B 2.Kb8 Bd6‡
1.Ge7 Pf8=S 2.Kd8 Pb8=Q‡

Comment: Three different promotions.

6 men 3 types (KGP)

A. Kniest
Deutsche MarchenSchach Zeitung #489, December 1932
Helpmate in 2 with set play

1....Kf4 2.Ph5 Pg3‡
1.Kh5 Pg3 2.Gh4 Pg4‡

Comment: Partial echo. G not used in set play.

6 men 4 types (KQGP) 2G

B. Rehm
feenschach #2842 1955
Helpmate in 2 with set play

1....Qf4 2.Pd6 Qe4‡
1.Pd6 Qe7 2.Kc5 Qb7‡

Comment: GQ battery set up. Antipin. Gf5 not used in set mate.

6 men 4 types (KQGP) 2G

M. Stosic
feenschach #9362 1969
Helpmate in 2 with set play

1....Qb2 2.Pg1=G Ga1‡
1.Pg1=R Gc7 2.Rg3 Qh2‡

Comment: Changed mate. BGc6 not used in set play

6 men 4 types (KQGP) 2G

A. H. Kniest
feenschach #8006 1966
Helpmate in 2, (b) remove Ge3, (c) remove WK in (a)

(a) 1.Pb1=S Ga7 2.Sa3 Qa2‡
(b) 1.Pb1=G Qg3 2.Gh2 Qa3‡
(c) 1.Pb1=G Qd2 2.Gd1 Gc1‡

Comment: Strange twinning. (c) WK to h8 would do, preserving legality.
In (a) and (b) Gd6 stops Q-f8-a3, and in (b) it provides a waiting move.

6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G

K. F. Kniest
feenschach #1099 1973
Helpmate in 2, (b) rotate 180 degrees

(a) 1.Gd6 Re3 2.Gfd4 Pc4‡
(b) 1.Ke5 Pf8=Q 2.Ge4 Qd6‡

Comment: Second G not used in (b)

6 men 4 types (KQGP) 1G

H. P. Rehm
feenschach #3609 1957
Helpmate in 2 with two set plays

1....Ga2 2.Pf2 Qd1‡
1....Pg3 2.Pf2 Qd1‡
1.P×g2 Ga2 2.Kg1 Qe1‡

Comment: Echo.

6 men 4 types (KQGP) 1G

H. P. Rehm
feenschach #4095 1958
Helpmate in 2 with set play

1....Kh4 2.Kf4 Qe4‡
1.Pd5 Qb4 2.Ke4 Qc3‡

Comment: Changed mate. GQ battery set-up.

6 men 4 types (KQGP) 1G

P. A. Petkow
feenschach #6110 1963
Helpmate in 2 with set play

1....Pf5 2.Gc6 Qd8‡
1.Ke7 Pd5† 2.Kf6 Qf8‡

Comment: Echo (would be exact if WKe1). Reflection in e file.

6 men 4 types (KRGP) 1G

A. H. Kniest
Bottrop Volks Zeitung #257 27 November 1935
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1.Pe1=S Re2 2.Pb1=G Gd1‡

Comment: Promotions. Immobilised BG

6 men 4 types (KBGP) 1G

E. Kladnik and A. Kniest
Bottrop Volks Zeitung #383 2 September 1936
Helpmate in 2 with set play

1....Bd6 2.Gf8 P×f8=Q‡
1.K×g7 Bd6 2.Kh6 Bf8‡

Comment: G not used in mate

6 men 4 types (KBGP) 1G

F. Douglas
The Problemist #354 March 1929
Helpmate in 2 with set play

1....Bd7 2.Gc6 Be6‡
1.Ge2 Bd3 3.Gc4 Be4‡

Comment: Echo.

6 men 4 types (KBGP) 1G

A. H. Kniest
feenschach #8322 1967
Helpmate in 2 with three set plays

1....Gh2 2.P×h2 Bg2‡
1....Gf2 2.Pg2† B×g2‡
1....Bg2† 2.Kh2 Gf4‡
1.P×h3 Gf2 2.Ph2 Gh4‡

Comment: Sacrifice key. G switchback

6 men 4 types (KSGP) 1G

M. N. Popov
feenschach 1961
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1.Ph1=G Sf3 2.Gc1† Sc3‡

Comment: Crosscheck

6 men 5 types (KQRGP)

M. N. Popov
Problemista date? (probably quoted in feenschach 1963 alongside Leibocvici problem below)
Helpmate in 2 (a) Ka6, (b) Ka5, (c) Ka4, (d) Ka3, (e) Ka2

(a) 1.Ga5 Q×g2 2.Ra7 Qc6‡
(b) 1.Ga4 Qg1 2.Ra6 Qc5‡
(c) 1.Ga3 Qf1 2.Ra5 Qc4‡
(d) 1.Ga2 Qh8 2.Ra4 Qc3‡
(e) 1.Ga1 Qh7 2.Ra3 Qc2‡

Comment: Apart from WK and BP: Exact echoes. Vertical shift.

6 men 5 types (KQRGP)

P. Leibovici
feenschach #6149 1963
Helpmate in 2 (a)Kd4,Ga4, (b)Kd5,Ga5, (c)Kd6,Ga6

(a) 1.Ge4 Qf8 2.Rc4 Qd6‡
(b) 1.Ge5 Pd3 2.Rc5 Qd7‡
(c) 1.Ge6 Pd4 2.Rc6 Qd8‡

Comment: Apart from WK: Exact echoes. Vertical shift.

6 men 5 types (KQRGP)

B. Rehm
feenschach #5273 1961
Helpmate in 2 with set play

1....K×d3 2.Kd6 Ke4‡
1.Rd4† Q×d4 2.Kd6 Qg7‡

Comment: Discovered mates by Grasshopper. Setting up G-K and G-Q batteries.
Elimination of BR. Exact echo: reflection in d file.

Possibly my favourite composition on this page.

6 men 5 types (KRBGP)

A. Kniest and O. Welgos
Problemist Fairy Chess Supplement #694 February 1933
Helpmate in 2 with set play


1....Rg8 2.Pe1=G Bd3‡
1.Pe1=G Re8 2.Gg1 Bh3‡

Comment: Apart from WK: Exact echo. Reflection in f file. 'Pendulum' change.

6 men 5 types (KRBGP)

T. Steudel
feenschach #2786 1955
Helpmate in 2 with set play, (b) Gd6 to f6

1....Rc4 2.Kd5 Bf7‡
1.Gf6 Be8 2.Kf5 Bd7‡

1.Gd6 etc.
Same as (a) but with set and play interchanged.

Comment: Apart from WK: Exact echo. Reflection in e file.

6 men 5 types (KBSGP)

C. E. Kemp
Fairy Chess Review #9609 1953
Helpmate in 2 with set mate

1.Ba2 Ga1 2.Bd5 Sd4‡

Comment: Switchback by BB.

6 men 5 types (KBSGP)

B. Rehm
feenschach #2492 1955
Helpmate in 2 with set play

1....Gf1 2.Kb1 Sc1‡
1.Kb3 Sd4† 2.Ka4 Bb4‡

Comment: Changed mate. WB and WS interchange roles.

7 men 3 types (KGP) 3G

T. Steudel
Feenschach 1956 (3086)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Gb7+ 2.Ka1 Ga8‡ Play: 1.Ka1 Gg2 2.b1=B Gh1‡

Comment: Trapped BB. Echoed White play.

7 men 3 typea (KGP) 2G

F. Hoffman
Caissas Froeliche Tiefgarage 1970 (15L 97a)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: 1... Ge4 2.a2 Ga8‡ Play: 1.c6 Gd7 2.a2 Ga7‡

Comment: Only 3 men move.

7 men 3 types (KGP) 2G etc

I. Slavicek
Feenschach 1957 (3607)
Helpmate in 2 Pieces e3, f4 are a) Rooks b) Knights c) Grasshoppers

Solution: a) 1.Kb2 Rb4 2.Ka3 Rxb3‡
b) 1.b2 Sd3 2.b1=S Sxc2‡
c) 1.b2 Gd2 2. b1=B Gc1‡

7 men 3 types (KGP) 2G

T. R. Dawson
Fairy Chess Review 1952 (9175)
Helpmate in 2 with set mate

Solution: Set: b7‡ Play: 1.Gb5 Ga5 2.Gb7 a7‡

Comment: Pawn pair theme.

7 men 4 types (KQGP) 2G

B. Rehm
Feenschach 1953 (1630)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Gc6 2.Kd6 Qc5‡
Play: 1.Qf5 Gg4 2.Ke5 Qd4‡

Comment: Near echo

7 men 4 types (KQGP) 2G

B. Rehm
Feenschach 1953
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Ga3 2.e4 Qc5‡ Play: 1.e4 Qe5+ 2.Ke3 Qb2‡

Comment: Discovered mate

7 men 4 types (KQGP) 2G

W. H. Reilly
Feenschach 1964 (6750)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... g4 2.Gg3 Qh5‡
Play: 1.Gd8+ Qd7 2.Gg5 Qh3‡

Comment: Echoed mate. Gf6 only incidental.

7 men 4 types (KQGP) 2G

A. H. Kniest
Bottrop Volkszeitung 27 Nov 1935 (256)
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1.Kd4 g8=Q 2.Qe5+ Qd5‡

Comment: Crosscheck, Antipin

7 men 4 types (KQGP) 2G

C. C. Palmer
PFCS Aug 1932 (519)
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1.Qg2 Gh2+ 2.Qh3 Qf1‡

Comment: Pin mate

7 men 4 types (KRGP) 3G

B. Rehm
Feenschach 1950 (454)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Gd3 2.Gf6 Re4‡ Play: 1.Gb2 Gc6 2.Ge5 Rf4‡

Comment: Changed mate

7 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G

P. C. Taylor
PFCS Oct 1933 (964)
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1.Rf5 Ge4 2.Rh4 Gg6‡

Comment: Asymmetry

7 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G

B. Rehm
Feenschach 1955 (2665)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Gg3 2.Rc4 Rd4‡ Play: 1.Kf4 Re5 2.Rd4 Re4‡

Comment: Partial echo

7 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G

P. A. Petkow
Feenschach 1964 (6828)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Rg3 2.Gh4 Rg6‡ Play: 1.Ge5 Gc8 2.Gg5 Rh1‡

Comment: Changed mate

7 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G

M. N. Popov
Feenschach 1960 (4979)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Gf3 2.Ga5 b3‡ Play: 1.Ka5 Gh4 2.Ga6 b4‡

Comment: Echo

7 men 4 types (KRGP) 1G

Ivo Slavicek
Feenschach 1966 (7767)
Helpmate in 2 (b) Gd4, with set play in (a).

Solution: (a) Set: 1... Rh3 2.c2 Ra3‡
Play: 1.c2 Gb1 2.cxb1=G Ra4‡
(b) 1.b1=G Gb2 2.cxb2 Ra4‡

7 men 4 types (KRGP) 1G

W. Alaikow
Feenschach 1965 (7302)
Helpmate in 2: twins with BK a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8

Solution: 1.Ga4 Qe1 2.Ra2 Qc3‡

Comment: Said to be anticipated by Popov.

7 men 4 types (KRGP) 1G

C. Becker
Feenschach 1950 (367)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Gc7 2.Rb6 Ga5‡ Play: 1.Rc7 Gc8 2.Rb7 Ga6‡

Comment: Only change is distance of G&R from K.

7 men 4 types (KBGP) 3G

H. P. Rehm
Feenschach 1956 (3151)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Ka6 2.Gb7 cxb7‡
Play: 1.Gh7 c7 2.Gb7 c8=G‡

Comment: No mate set for other BG moves

7 men 4 types (KBGP) 2G

P. A.Petkow
Feenschach 1961 (5424)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Gd6 2.b6 Bc6‡ Play: 1.Kb8 Ga5 2.Kc8 Bd7‡

Comment: Changed mate

7 men 4 types (KBGP) 2G

P. A. Petkow
Feenschach 1962 (5870)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Gf4 2.Ga6 Bd8‡ Play: 1.Ka6 Bd8 2.Ga7 Bc8‡

Comment: Echo

7 men 4 types (KBGP) 1G

P. A. Petkow
Feenschach 1962 (5981)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... de+ 2.Kf3 Bh5‡ 1.Kd3 f3 2.Gc2 Bb5‡

Comment: Echo

7 men 4 types (KBGP) 1G

M. Charosh & D. Nixon
Fairy Chess Review Apr 1946 (6750)
Helpmate in 2, b) Bb4-c5, c)Bb4-c4.

Solution: a) 1.Bf6 Gc5 2.g5 Gh5‡
b) 1.Bf6 Gd6 2.Ke7 Gxg6‡
c) 1.Be7 Bd3 2.f6 Bxg6‡

Comment: Part c) is due to Dennison Nixon.

7 men 4 types (KSGP) 3G

G. Erdos & F. Meisl
DMSZ Dec 1932 (550)
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1.Ga6 Kb4 2.Kb6 Sd5‡

Comment: Mating move covers 4 flight cells.

7 men 4 types (KSGP) 2G

E. Holladay
Feenschach 1967 (8152)
Helpmate in 2 in 2 ways, with 2 set plays

Solution: Set: 1... Sh4+ 2.Ke1 Shf3‡ 1... Se3+ 2.Ke1 Sdf3‡
Play: 1.f1=R Kb2 2.Rd1 Kc3‡ 1.f1=G Kb2 2.Gd3 Kc1‡

Comment: Asymmetry

7 men 4 types (KSGP) 2G

W. Hagemann
Feenschach 1951 (503)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Sd4 2.Gd5 Sf3‡ Play: 1.Gg6 Sd4 2.Ge4 Sc6‡

Comment: Permutate

7 men 4 types (KSGP) 1G

P. A. Petkow
Feenschach 1960 (4673)
Helpmate in 2 with set play (b) Ga3 - c5

Solution: (a) Set: 1... Sa6 2.Ga7 Sc7‡ Play: 1.Ka7 Kc7 2.Ga8 b6‡
(b) Set: 1... b6 2.Ga7 b7‡ Play: 1.Ga5 Sa6 2.Ga7 Sc7‡

7 men 4 types (KSGP) 1G

T. Kolodzig
Bottrop Volkszeitung 24 Jul 1935
Helpmate in 2 in 2 ways

Solution: 1.c4 Gb5 2.e4 Se6‡ and symmetrically

Comment: Symmetry

7 men 4 types (KSGP) 1G

C. E. Kemp
Fairy Chess Review 1939
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1.fxe1=R Gd1 2.Re2 Sg4‡

Comment: Near Symmetry

7 men 5 types (KQRGP) 2G

Xavier Yzarn
Feenschach 1967 (8071)
Helpmate in 2 in 2 ways

Solution: 1.Qb3 Gc4 2.Qa2 00‡
1.Qb2 Gc2 2.Qa2 Kd2‡

Comment: No change to Black play.

7 men 5 types (KQRGP) 1G

J. Kricheli
Feenschach 1966 (7766)
Helpmate in 2 in 3 ways

Solution: 1.Qb3 Qe1 2.Ka4 Qa5‡
1.Ra5+ Kh6 2.Qb2 Qa4‡
1.Ka2 Qb4 2.Ra4 Qa3‡

Comment: Echoes. Antipins.

7 men 5 types (KQRGP) 1G

C. C. Palmer
Falkirk Herald 31 Jan 1934
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1.Qc6 Gb7 2.Qf3 Qg2‡

Comment: Pin, Unpin and Antipin

7 men 5 types (KQBGP) 2G

H. P. Rehm
Feenschach 1958 (3942)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Qc4+ 2.b5 Qc7‡
Play: 1.Ba5 Qc6+ 2.b6 Qd7‡

7 men 5 types (KQSGP) 1G

G. Leathem
PFCS Oct 1934 (1520)
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1.Qd2 Ge1 2.Qd4 Sf6‡

Comment: Asymmetry of board (also of pawn, but e5 could be just a block instead of a BP)

7 men 5 types (KQSGP) 1G

J. Krijtenburg
PFCS Oct 1930 (40)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... e8=S 2.Sb7 Sc7‡ Play: 1.Se6 Kc6 2.Sf8 e8=G‡

Comment: Changed promotion.

7 men 5 types (KQSGP) 1G

B. Rehm
Feenschach 1956 (3055)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Gh7 2.Qg6 Qf5‡ Play: 1.Qh5 Sb4 2.Qg4 Qf4‡

Comment: Modal change of axis. Antipin.

7 men 5 types (KQSGP) 1G

P. A. Petkow
Feenschach 1963 (6219)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Qc4 2.Sd6 f4‡ Play: 1.Sd5 Qc3+ 2.Ke4 f3‡

Comment: Echo

7 men 5 types (KRBGP) 2G

P. A. Petkow
Feenschach 1960 (5018)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set{ 1... b5 2.Gb4 Bb3‡ Play: 1.Gf4 Ge6 2.Ga4 Rb3‡

Comment: Changed mate.

7 men 5 types (KRBGP) 1G

P. A. Petkow
Feenschach 1961 (5426) 1G
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Re5+ 2.g5 Re6‡
Play: 1.Kg5 Ga1 2.Kf5 Re5‡

Comment: Markedly changed mate (different mating square and checking piece, etc).

7 men 5 types (KRBGP) 1G

W. Pauly
L'Italia Scacchistica Apr 1929 (121)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Ba5 2.Ge6 Bc7‡ Play: 1.Gg6 Ba5 2.Ge6 Bc7‡

Comment: Same mate each time

7 men 5 types (KRBGP) 1G

P. Sola
PFCS Apr !936 (2237)
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1.Ke7 Rf8 2.Gd7 Ba3‡

Comment: Pawn asymmetry

7 men 5 types (KRSGP) 2G

E. Sorokin & P. Moutecidis
Feenschach 1973 (832)
Helpmate in 2 in 2 ways, with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Gf1+ 2.Sd1 Gc1‡
Play: 1.Sd3 Gd8 2.Se1 Gd1‡
1.Sh3 Rf2 2.Sg1 Gf1‡

Comment: Echoes

7 men 5 types (KRSGP) 1G

B. Rehm
Feenschach 1960 (4902)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Ge2+ 2.Kd4 Rd3‡ Play: 1.Sd6 Re3+ 2.Kd5 Re4‡

Comment: Changed mate

7 men 5 types (KBSGP) 2G

E. Kladnik
Essen Anzeiger 15 Mar 1932 (1624)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Gg4 2.Kf6 Bb2‡ 1.Gd5 Gc4 2.Kd5 Bf4‡

Comment: Pendulum

7 men 5 types (KBSGP) 1G

G. Erdos & F. Meisl
Adeveral Literar 20 Nov 1932 (527)
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1.Be7 Gh4+ 2.Sf6 d6xe7‡

7 men 6 types (KQRBGP) 1G

N. I. Nagnibida & A. H. Kniest
Caissas Froeliche Tiefgarage #8 1970 (44)
Helpmate in 2 in 2 ways

Solution: 1.Rg4 Gc4 2.Kf4 Qe4‡
1.b2 Ga2 2.Ke6 Qd5‡

Comment: Modal relationship

7 men 6 types (KRBSGP) 1G

A. Popovski
Feenschach 1959
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1.Gd8 Be5 2.00 Se7‡

Comment: Castling

8 men 4 types (KRGP)

F. Douglas
The Problemist May 1927 (106)
Helpmate in 2 with set play

Solution: Set: 1... Gg6 2.Ge6 Rf5‡
Play: 1.Gc5 Gf7 2.Gf5 Re6‡

Comment: Pendulum.
Highly commended. 3rd Informal Tourney.

9 men 5 types (KRBGP)

Fairy Chess Review 1941
Helpmate in 2 (a) diagram (b) a4 - a3.

(a) 1.Ba3 Kc7 2.Rb4 Bb6‡
(b) 1.Ra4 Bf2 2.Bb4 Gf1‡

Comment: Modal changes.

10 men 7 types (KQRBSGP)

C. C. Palmer
Problemist Fairy Chess Supplement #578 October 1932
Helpmate in 2, two ways

1.Sc7 Rc6† 2.Sa6 Rc8‡
1.Qb6† R×b6† 2.Ra6 B×d5‡

Comment: The second solution was found as a cook. Contrasting mates.

11 men 5 types (KQSGP)

J. E. H. Creed
Fairy Chess Review 1944
Helpmate in 2 with set play

1...e4 2.Gd4 Gg-e3‡
1.Qc5 Kg6 2.Ge4 Nf4‡

Comment: A complete change in the mate.

13 men $ types (KBGP) 7G

Ronald Brain
British Chess Magazine May 1978 (11382)
Helpmate in 2, b)Ge8-a2, c)Pf2-g2, d)Kb3-e4, e)Kb3-a6, f)Pf2-b2

Solution: a) 1.f1=B Gg1 2.Bd3 Gh8‡
b) 1.f1=R Gg1 2.Rc1 Gd2‡
c) 1.g1=S Gh1+ 2.Sh3 Gh4‡
d) 1.f1=G Gh8+ 2.Kg6 Gg1‡
e) 1.f1=R Gg1 2.Rb1 Gh8‡
f) 1.b1=G Ga1 2.Gd3 Gah8‡

Comment: Escapes of BG hurdles prevented.


Source Number of Problem and date of publication
Helpmate in 2

Solution: 1. ‡
