To read the solutions and comments hold down the left mouse key and run the cursor across the blank area.
5 men, 3 types (KQG) 2G
P. A. Petkow
Comments: Echo (WK bystander). (a) Reflection in c|d line, (b) Reflection in d|e line, (a)-(b) Translation {0,1}. |
M. Jacobs
Comments: Changed mate, and mating piece. |
B. Hegermann
Solution: set 1....Gh1 play 1.Ga7 Rg7 2.Gc7 Rf7 3.Gg7 Rf8 Comments: Mutate |
J. Sunyer
Solution: 1.Kg3 Gf3 2.Kh2 Rg7 3.Kh1 Rg2 Comments: As published WK was on a1, WR d7, allowing dual 2...Rd2.
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
Solution: (a) set 1....Bf1 2.Ge1 Kf3 3.Gg1 Bg2 play 1.Kg1 Kf3 2.Gh4 Gg4 3.Gh2 Bg2
Comments: Exact Echo: Reflection in a8-h1 diagonal |
F. M.Mihalek
Solution: 1.Kd8+ Kf8 2.Gd7 Sg5 3.Qc8 Se6
Comments: Echo. |
B. Rehm
Solution: set 1....Gd4 2.Kc2 Rb2 3.Kd1 Rd2
Comments: Changed mate |
P. Kniest
Comments: Echoes. |
T. R. Dawson
Solution: 1.Ke8 Re6 2.Gf7 Rc6 3.Gbd7 Rc8 Comments: Symmetric initial formation. G-wall |
R. J. Darvall
Comments: R/G function swap |
F. R. Adcock
R. J. Darvall
Comments: Three different mates |
R. J. Darvall
Solution: 1.Gc5 Rb6 2.Kd4 Ga5 3.Ge5 Rb4 Comments: Same family as above |
R. J. Darvall
Comments: Black moves differ only in move order |
C. C. L. Sells
Note: This position may have been reflected in the d file. |
R. J. Darvall
Comments: Four different mates Note: (a) and (b) interchanged from the original to simplify the twinning instructions. |
W. Alaikow
Comments: Exact Echoes. Translation one or two ranks. |
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
Solution: set 1....Gd6 2.000 Rb1 3.Rdd7 Rb8
Comments: Castling assumed possible. Echo. Reflection in d file. Better with bystander WK d2-d5? |
E. Kladnik
Solution: set 1....Ge6 2.Ge7 Ge8 3.Gd7 Bg3
Comments: Echo. Reflection in d file |
G. Dobbs
Solution: 1.Kh8 Bg6 2.Gg2 Gh1 3.Gg7 Bh7 Comments: BK placed g8 (in check) by GPJ (20 August 1977) for symmetry. |
W. Stead
Solution: 1.Gb1 Bb6 2.Gb7 Bg1 3.Gb8 Gh1 Comments: Corner-rattler. Full length G switchback |
C. Gaulin
Comments: Echo. Reflection in 5th rank |
A. J. Sobey
R. McClure
Solution: 1.Gh2 Se4 2.Gg1 Gg8 3.Kh1 Sg3 Comments: BGs just act as blocks |
E. Klar
Comments: Exact Echoes. Translations. |
R. J. Darvall
Comments: Exact Echoes. Translation or reflection left or right. Note: In the problem as published the twinning was rather confusingly stated in terms of pieces moved at each stage, with "each change further to the last". Here the varied positions of the three White pieces are stated for each case. |
A. J. Sobey
J. R. J. Lobo
Solution: set 1....Sbc5 2.Gd2 Sa6 3.Gd8 Sb6
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
Solution: set 1....Gf6 2.Gf1 Sg3 3.Gd1 Sf3
J. Dohrn-Luttgens composed a whole series of problems with the same force as in the above example.
And the same stipulation: Helpmate in 3 with set play. We show them in tabular form: BKb1 Gd5 WKg2 Gc2 Sa4b2 1....Sd3 2.Gh1 Ge4 3.Ga1 Sc3. 1.Kc1 Sd3 2.Kd1 Ge4 3.Gd2 Sc3. #3390 feenschach 1957 BKc1 Gg5 WKe8 Gg8 Se5g2 1....Gd8 2.Gg1 Se3 3.Gb1 Sd3. 1.Kd2 Gg4 2.Gc1 Sf3 3.Kd1 Se3. #3368 feenschach 1957 BKc1 Gg5 WKh8 Gc8 Sa7e1 1....Sb5 2.Ga5 Sc3 3.Gd2 Sd3, 1.Kd2 Sb5 2.Gc1 Sf3 3.Kd1 Sc3. #3369 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Ga3 WKh8 Ga5 Sd3d6 1....Sf5 2.Ga6 Gg5 3.Ge2 Se3. 1.Ge7 Kg7 2.Gh7 Sb5 3.Gc2 Sc3. #3391 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Ga4 WKh8 Gf1 Sc4c5 1....Gb5 2.Gd4 Sd3 3.Gd2 Se3. 1.Kc2 Gb5 2.Gd1 Sa3 3.Kc1 Sb3. #3364 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Ga5 WKh8 Ge8 Sa1c5 1....Sc2 2.Gd5 Sd3 3.Gd2 Se3. 1.Kd2 Sc2 2.Ge1 Sb3 3.Kd1 Se3. Die Schwalbe 1954 (#3360 feenschach) BKd1 Ga7 WKf7 Gd5 Se2e5 1....Kg7 2.Gh7 Sd3 3.Gc2 Sc3. 1.Gg7 Gf5 2.Gd4 Sd3 3.Gd2 Sc3. #3381 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Ga8 WKe6 Gb2 Se2e5 1....Kd5 2.Ge4 Sd3 3.Gc2 Sc3. 1.Ke1 Gf6 2.Kf1 Sf3 3.Gg2 Sg3. #3384 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Ga8 WKg8 Gg2 Se5g4 1....Ka7 2.Ga6 Sd3 3.Ge2 Se3. 1.Gh1 Gg5 2.Kc1 Se3 3.Gb1 Sd3. #3399 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Gb7 WKh8 Ga5 Se2e5 1....Kg7 2.Gh7 Sd3 3.Gc2 Sc3. 1.Ke1 Gf5 2.Kf1 Sf3 3.Gg2 Sg3. #3382 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Gb7 WKh8 Gd8 Se1e7 1....Sd5 2.Ge4 Sd3 3.Gc2 Sc3. 1.Gf7 Sd5 2.Gc4 Sd3 3.Ge2 Se3. #3380 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Gb8 WKg5 Gg4 Sd3g3 1....Gg6 2.Gh2 Se2 3.Gd2 Sc3. 1.Gh2 Gg2 2.Gf2 Se2 3.Gd2 Sc3. #3388 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Gf7 WKc7 Gh7 Se1f1 1....Ge7 2.Gd7 Sd3 3.Gd2 Se3. 1.Gb7 Sd3 2.Gd7 Gc2 3.Gd2 Se3. #3377 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Gg6 WKa7 Gf2 Sc5f1 1....Kb6 2.Ga6 Sd3 3.Ge2 Se3. 1.Kc2 Gb6 2.Gb1 Se3 3.Kc1 Sb3. #3358 feenschach 1954 BKd1 Gg6 WKa8 Ge2 Se5f5 1....Ge6 2.Gd6 Sd3 3.Gd2 Se3. 1.Ge4 Sf3 2.Ge1 Gg4 3.Gc1 Se3. #3379 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Gg6 WKb6 Gg7 Sc5g2 1....Gg5 2.Ga6 Sd3 3.Ge2 Se3. 1.Kc2 Gg5 2.Gb1 Se3 3.Kc1 Sd3. #3394 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Gh5 WKh8 Gd2 Se2e5 1....Gf2 2.Gd5 Sd3 3.Gd2 Sc3. 1.Gd5 Gd6 2.Gf5 Sd3 3.Gc2 Sc3. #3383 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Gh6 WKa7 Gf2 Sd5e5 1....Kb6 2.Ga6 Sd3 3.Ge2 Se3. 1.Kd2 Gc2 2.Ke1 Se3 3.Gd2 Sd3. #3398 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Gh6 WKa7 Gg5 Se1f5 1....Kb6 2.Ga6 Sd3 3.Ge2 Se3. 1.Kd2 Ge5 2.Gc1 Sf3 3.Kd1 Se3. #3365 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Gh7 WKe7 Gh5 Sc5g2 1....Gb5 2.Gd7 Sd3 3.Gd2 Se3. 1.Kc2 Gb5 2.Gb1 Se3 3,Kc1 Sb3. #3370 feenschach 1957 BKd2 Gc8 WKh8 Gd5 Se3e5 1....Sd1 2.Kc1 Sc3 3.Gc2 Sd3. 1.Ke1 Sd7 2.Ge6 Sc5 3.Ge2 Sd3. #3373 feenschach 1957 BKe1 Ga5 WKb7 Gh2 Sf1g5 1....Ka6 2.Ga7 Se3 3.Gf2 Sf3. 1.Gh5 Sg3 2.Gh1 Gf4 3.Gd1 Sf3. #3367 feenschach 1957 BKe1 Gb6 WKg6 Gh5 Sc5d5 1....Se3 2.Gh6 Gb5 3.Gd2 Sd3. 1.Gd4 Sd3 2.Kd1 Gc5 3.Gd2 Sc3. #3376 feenschach 1957 BKe1 Gb7 WKc8 Gb2 Sd4f1 1....Kd7 2.Ge7 Se3 3.Ge2 Sf3. 1.Gb1 Ge5 2.Kd1 Sb3 3.Ge1 Se3. Die Schwalbe 1954 (#3359 feenschach) BKe1 Gc6 WKh8 Gd2 Sd4e7 1....Sd5 2.Ge4 Se3 3.Ge2 Sf3. 1.Kd1 Sd5 2.Kc1 Sc3 3.Gc2 Sb3. #3395 feenschach 1957 BKe1 Gc7 WKg7 Ga7 Se3g6 1....Gd7 2.Ge7 Sf4 3.Ge2 Sd3. 1.Gh7 Kf7 2.Ge7 Sh4 3.Ge2 Sf3. #3375 feenschach 1957 BKe1 Gf8 WKb8 Gf2 Sd2e2 1....Sg3 2.Gf1 Gh4 3.Gd1 Sf3. 1.Ga8 Sf3 2.Kf1 Gf4 3.Gg2 Sg3. #3385 feenschach 1957 BKe1 Gh6 WKe7 Ga2 Sd5g1 1....Kf6 2.Ge6 Se3 3.Ge2 Sf3. 1.Kd2 Ge6 2.Gc1 Sf3 3.Kd1 Se3. #3366 feenschach 1957 BKe1 Gh7 WKh6 Ga7 Se5g3 1....Sf5 2.Ge4 Se3 3.Ge2 Sf3. 1.Gh5 Sf5 2.Kf1 Sf3 3.Ge2 Se3. #3387 feenschach 1957 BKe1 Gh8 WKf6 Gd1 Sb2d5 1....Gd6 2.Ge5 Se3 3.Ge2 Sd3. 1.Ge5 Gd6 2.Ga1 Sc3 3.Gf1 Sd3. #3362 feenschach 1957 BKe1 Gh8 WKf8 Gh2 Sf5f7 1....Se5 2.Gd4 Se3 3.Gf2 Sf3. 1.Ge8 Se5 2.Ge4 Se3 3.Ge2 Sd3. #3396 feenschach 1957 BKf1 Gb5 WKd7 Gf2 Sc2g5 1....Gb2 2.Gh5 Sf3 3.Ge2 Se3. 1.Ge8 Se3 2.Ke1 Gd4 3.Ge2 Sf3. #3389 feenschach 1957 BKf1 Gb8 WKc5 Ge5 Se4g2 1....Sg5 2.Gf4 Sf3 3.Gf2 Se3. 1.Gf4 Se3 2.Ke1 Sf2 3.Gd2 Sd3. #3374 feenschach 1957 BKf1 Gc5 WKa8 Gf2 Sg2g5 1....Gb6 2.Gh5 Sf3 3.Ge2 Se3. 1.Gh5 Gh2 2.Gf5 Sf3 3.Gf2 Se3. #3992 feenschach 1957 BKf1 Gh6 WKh7 Ga2 Sd5g5 1....Ge6 2.Gf4 Sf3 3.Gf2 Se3. 1.Gh8 Kh6 2.Gh5 Sf3 3.Ge2 Se3. #3378 feenschach 1957 Some others follow, with two set plays, or two solutions. |
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
Comments: Parts originally published as separate problems. |
Solution: Set: 1... Ne2 2.Ge4 Gd4 3.Gc2 Nc3
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
Solution: set 1....Kc5 2.Gb5 Sd3 3.Ge2 Se3
Comments: The play mates differ only in the position of the WG |
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
Solution: set 1....Se3 2.Ge8 Gf8 3.Ge2 Sf3
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
Solution: set 1....Gh2 2.Gf2 Se2 3.Gd2 Sc3 and 1....Se2 2.Ge4 Gd4 3.Gc2 Sc3
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
J. Dohrn-Luttgens and J. R. J. Lobo
Solution: (a) 1.Sd3 Kf1 2.Ge4 Sg1 3.Se3
Note: A Helpmate in 2½, is like a Helpmate in 3, but without the initial Black move.
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
Solution: set 1....Sf3 2.Kd1 Gc4 3.Sc1 Sc3
J. Dohrn-Luttgens composed a series of problems with the same force and stipulation as above. We give them in tabular form:
BKa4 Sb2 WKd6 Gg8 Sa2b5 1....Sa3 2.Sd3 Sc4 3.Sb4 Sc3. 1.Kb3 Sc1 2.Kc2 Sb3 3.Kb1 Sa3. #3527 feenschach 1957 BKb4 Sc2 WKf6 Ga6 Sa3c5 1....Gg6 2.Ka5 Gb1 3.Sb4 Sc4. 1.Ka5 Ga4 2.Sd4 Ge4 3.Sb5 Sc4. #4910 feenschach 1960 BKc1 Sb3 WKh8 Ga2 Sa3d1 1....Sc2 2.Kb1 Gd2 3.Ka2 Sc3. 1.Sa1 Sc4 2.Kb1 Gd5 3.Ka2 Sc3. Probleemblad 1957 BKd1 Sg2 WKa8 Gc2 Sd4h1 1....Gh2 2.Ke1 Sf3 3.Kf1 Sg3. 1.Ke1 Gh2 2.Kf1 Sg3 3.Kg1 Sf3. #4515 feenschach 1959 BKd1 Sa1 WKe8 Gh3 Sa4b3 1....Kd7 2.Sc2 Gc8 3.Se1 Sc3. 1.Kc2 Sa5 2.Kb1 Sc4 3.Ka2 Sc3. Problem 1956 (#3424 feenschach) BKd1 Sa1 WKh7 Gh1 Sb1d3 1....Kh6 2.Sb3 Gh7 3.Sd2 Sc3. 1.Kc2 Sa3 2.Kb3 Sc4 3.Ka2 Sc1. #3719 feenschach 1957 BKd1 Sa5 WKh8 Ga1 Sc4f4 1....Ga6 2.Sb3 Sd3 3.Sd2 Se3. 1.Ke1 Ga6 2.Sb3 Se3 3.Sd2 Sd3. #5516 feenschach 1961 BKd1 Sg1 WKe6 Gh5 Sa7d3 1....Sb5 2.Sf3 Ge2 3.Sd2 Sc3. 1.Sf3 Sb5 2.Se1 Ga5 3.Sc2 Sc3. #5515 feenschach 1961 BKe1 Sc2 WKe6 Gf1 Sd2f5 1....Gf6 2.Se3 Sg3 3.Sd1 Sf3. 1.Se3 Gf6 2.Sg2 Sf3 3.Kf1 Sg3. #4909 feenschach 1960 BKe1 Sh1 WKc5 Gd1 Sd7e3 1....Gd8 2.Sg3 Se5 3.Se2 Sd3. 1.Sf2 Se5 2.Sg4 Gh5 3.Sf2 Sf3. #5882 feenschach 1962 BKf1 Se6 WKb7 Ga6 Sg1h1 1....Gf6 2.Sf4 Sf3 3.Sg2 Sg3. 1.Sf4 Sf3 2.Sd3 Ge2 3.Sf2 Sg3. #4516 feenschach 1959 BKf1 Sg3 WKc5 Gc6 Se1g2 1....Sd3 2.Se2 Gc4 3.Sg1 Se3. 1.Kg1 Gc4 2.Kh2 Sf3 3.Kh3 Sf4. #3909 feenschach 1958 BKf2 Sg4 WKa8 Gc1 Sg2h2 1....Sf4 2.Kg3 Gg5 3.Kh4 Sf3. 1.Kg1 Se3 2.Sf2 Gf4 3.Sh1 Sf3. #5880 feenschach 1962 |
Solution: (a) 1.Ke5 Kd3 2.Sd6 Ge7 3.Kd5 Sb4
Theme: Exact Echoes. The transformation (a)-(b) is reflection in the a1-h8 diagonal and (b)-(c) reflection in the 4th rank, while (a)-(c) is a 90° rotation about d4. Thus demonstrating the geometrical theorem that successive reflections about two lines at an angle are equivalent to a rotation through twice that angle. |
C. E. Kemp
Solution: set 1....Kf2 2.Sg4 Kf1 3.Kf3 Sd2
Comments: Exact Echo. Translation two ranks. |
B. Rehm
Comments: Exact echo, except for WK (WKh5 better?). Reflection in 5th rank. |
W. Schlitt
Comments: Modal change. |
A. Kniest
Solution: 1.Ga4 Ra2 2.Ba6 Ga1 3.Ka5 Rb2 Comments: Setting up G-R battery and immobilised BG. WK bystander. |
P. A. Petkow and W. Alaikow
Comments: Exact echoes, apart from WK. |
P. A. Petkow
Comments: Exact Echo. |
J. A. Pancaldo
Solution: 1.Bd4 Re8 2.Bc5 Re6 3.Gd4 Bb3
Comments: Transflection Echo - moved down one rank and reflected in the c|d line. |
B. Rehm
Comments: Knight not used in main play. |
C. E. Kemp
Comments: Exact echoes. (a-b) shift one file. (b-c) reflect in diagonal.
P. A. Petkow
Solution: set 1....Se6 2.Ge7 Be4 3.Ke8 Bc6
Comments: Echo. Reflection in d-file |
H. Hofmann
Comments: The second mate was found as a cook.
J. R. J. Lobo
Comments: Echo. |
J. R. J.Lobo
Comments: Echo. |
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
Comments: Exact echo except for WK (better with WKd8?). Reflection in d file. |
J. Dohrn-Lutgens
Comments: Exact echo, apart from WK. Reflection in d file. WK participates in play. |
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
Comments: Exact echo, apart from WK (better with WHd8, WGd6?). Reflection in d file. |
J. R. J. Lobo
Comments: Echo. WK takes place of board edge, B acts from different relative direction. |
B. Rehm
Comments: Partial echo. |
F. Rose
Solution: 1.Kc3 Sf6 2.Gc2 Bb5 3.Bd4 Se4 |
L. Stepan
Comments: Echo. |
L. Stepan
Comments: Echo. |
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
Solution: Set: 1... Gg7 2.Ge8 Sh3 3.Ge1 Sg3
Comments: Grasshoppers eliminated in the actual play.
K. Dittrich
Solution: 1.Bh7 Gf4 2.Qg8 Gf7 3.Sg6 Gh5 Comments: Bottled Bishop |
B. Rehm
Solution: 1.Ge6 Ge5+ 2.Ge8 Rf6 3.Kd8 Rd6 Comments: Symmetric mate (including incidental WK) |
B. Rehm
Solution: 1. Not Noted Comments: |
B. Rehm (after W. H. Reilly)
Solution: 1.Rd1 Re7 2.Re1 Ge8 3.Re5 Rd7 Comments: Symmetric mate (apart from WK) |
M. Charosh
Solution: (a) 1.Be4 Bc7 2.Gd3 Gb7 3.Ke3 Bb6
Comments: Changed mate |
R. J. Darvall
Solution: (a) 1.Gc6 Kd8 2.Kd6 Ge5 3.Gd5 Sf7
Comments: Partial echo. |
M. Charosh
Solution: 1.Kd4 Gd2 2.Ghc2 Gb2+ 3.Kd3 Se2 Comments: BK switchback.
G. Dobbs
Solution: Black: 1.Gd7 Sd1 2.Gc8 Sc3 3.Ge6 Sb5
Comments: Partial Echo |
J. G. Ingram
Solution: 1.Sf6+ Kf4+ 2.Kh7 Kg5 3.Sg8 Gg6 Comments: Asymmetry. |
B. Rehm
Solution: Set: 1... Gc2 2.Bc4 Gb3 3.Qd3 Bf6
Comments: Echo |
I. D. Friedmann
Solution: 1.Bf4 Gd5 2.Qe3 Bc3 3.Ke4 Gf3 Comments: WG over BK discovered mate |
C. E. Kemp
Solution: 1.Qb2 Ga2 2.Qb6 Ga7 3.Qh6 Sf7 Comments: Long-distance guards of BK field by the WGs |
C. E. Kemp
Comments: Echo.
C. E. Kemp
Solution: 1.Kd7 Ga8 2.Kc8 Gc6 3.Rd7 Bc7 Comments: Change of axis of symmetry, e-file to c-file, apart from WK |
B. Rehm
Solution: Set: 1... Gb2 2.Bb4 Ga3 3.Kc4 Be6
Comments: Echo |
H. Brixi
Solution: 1.Rc4 Bh4 2.Kd4 Gc5 3.Gd5 Bf2 Comments: WG guards two flights |
W. Heidenfeld
Solution: 1.Rf2 Ga7 2.Rh7 Gg1 3.Rff7 Bg7 Comments: BR switchback |
Helmut Pruscha
Solution: a) 1.Ke4 Bc8 2.Rh3 Bb7 3.Re3 Gf3
Comments: Echo |
P. A. Petkow
Solution: a) 1.Ke1 Sc5 2.Gd1 Gc4 3.Rf1 Sd3
Comments: Echoes |
J. Dohrn-Luttgens & H. Hofmann
Solution: a) and b) Set: 1... Rc3 2.Gb4 Rc5 3.Gf4 Re5
Comments: Echo and Changed mate |
Wenelin Alaikow
Solution: 1.Sd1 Gb5 2.Re2 Gf5 3.Gf1 Sf3 Comments: A twin: b) Gc4-g4 has the same solution symmetrically. |
P. A. Petkow
Solution: a) 1.Kf4 Sh2 2.Gg3 Sd6 3.Se5 Bd2
Comments: Echo |
J. B. Verdonk
Solution: 1.Se8 Gd7 2.Qd6+ Gd5 3.Sc8 Rd7 Comments: Symmetric mate. Antipin. |
B. Rehm
Solution: 1.Qb3+ Gb4 2.Bd5 Gc6 3.Qd3+ Sc4 Comments: Cross-check mate |
B. Hegermann
Comments: Changed mate. Elimination of mating piece. Stalemate avoidance.
B. Rehm
Solution: Found: 1.Be3 Ga4 2.Kd5 Rc6 3.Se5 Rd6 (but first two W moves can be reversed) And 1.Be6 Ga4 2.Kd5 Bd7/f8 3.Sd4 Rc5 (Also second and third Black moves can be transposed) Comments: Dualled Intended solution not recorded. |
Solution: (a) 1.Gd3 Re5 2.Kd4 Gd6 3.Kc3 Rc5
Comment: Modal relationship. Symmetric finales (apart from WK). |
Solution: 1. Comments: |