with 6 or fewer men, and including Pawns
To read the solutions and comments hold down the left mouse key and run the cursor across the blank area.
5 men, 3 types (KGP) 2G
F. and P. Kniest
Die Schwalbe 1933 (version)
Helpmate in 3, with 2 set plays, 2 ways
1....Kc6 2.Gc5 Pd6 3.Ge7 Pd7
1....Ke6 2.Ke8 Pd6 3.Gf8 Pd7
1.Ge8 and the set plays are reflected.
5 men, 4 types (KBGP) 1G
G. G. Nasra
L'Echiquier #38 March 1931
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Bc2 Gd3 2.Bb1 Kb3 3.Pa2 Ga3
Comments: Not "ideal" mate since a2 blocked and guarded
5 men, 4 types (KBGP) 1G
W. Hagemann
feenschach 1951
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Pb6 Bb5 2.Gc5 Kc7 3.Ga7 Bc6
Comments: BP does not take part in the mate
5 men, 4 types (KSGP) 1G
R. McClure and C. E. Kemp
Fairy Chess Review #5266 August 1942
Helpmate in 3, (b) Sf7 to g8
(a) 1.Sd6 Ge5 2.Se4 Ge3 3.Sg5 Gh6
(b) 1.Sf6 Kf7 2.Se8 Gf8 3.Sg7 Gh6
Comments: Knight guides WG to mating square, but does not take part in the mate.
Part (b) was added by Kemp in the October 1942 issue.
5 men, 4 types (KSGP) 1G
G. J. Sontag
Fairy Chess Review #10779 1957
Helpmate in 3, with set play
1....Gb1 2.Se1 Gf1 3.Pb1=G Gd1
1.Sf2 Gb1 2.Sd1 Ge1 3.Pb1=G Gc1
Comments: Echo. Promotion to G.
6 men 3 types (KGP) 2G
A. J. Sobey
The Problemist #F103 1970
Helpmate in 3, Duplex
Black to move 1.Pb6 Gc6 2.Ka5 Kc3 3.Gb5 Pb4
White to move 1.Kb3 Ka5 2.Ka3 Pb5 3.Ga2 Pb4
6 men 3 types (KGP) 2G
G. G. Nasra
Fairy Chess Review #2938 October 1937
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Kg5 Kg8 2.Gh5 Ph8=S 3.Kh6 Sf7
Comments: Why Pe7?
6 men 3 types (KGP) 2G
C. P. Jarman
Fairy Chess Review #5793 December 1943
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Ka4 Ga5 2.Pb5 Gc5 3.Pb4 Gc4
6 men 3 types (KGP) 2G
P. Kniest
Caissa's Froehliche Tiefgarage #10/57, 1970
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Kc3 2.Pe1=S Gf1 3.Pb1=G Gd1
1.Pe1=S Kc3 2.Sc2 Gb3 3.Pb1=B Gd1
Comments: Changed mate. Minimal white force.
6 men 3 types (KGP) 1G
R. Schlegel
feenschach #582 1972
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Kg5 Gf5 2.Kh5 Gh3 3.Pg5 Gf5
Comments: Interchange of WG and BK
6 men 3 types (KGP) 1G
C. E. Lind
Eskilstuna Kuriren #2710 12 April 1939
Helpmate in 3, with set play
1....Kxf4 2.Gh4 Kf5 3.Ph6 Pg4
1.Kh4 Ke4 2.Gh3 Kxf4 3.Ph5 Pg3
Comments: Exact Echo. Shift one rank.
6 men 4 types (KQGP) 2G
P. A. Petkow
Caissa's Froeliche Tiefgarage #32/235 1971
Helpmate in 3, (b) Gb4-e8, (c)Pa4-a5 in (a)
(a) 1.Qc6 Ka7 2.Ka5 Gc7 3.Qb5 Gb6
(b) 1.Pa3 Gc6 2.Ka4 Ka6 3.Qb4 Gb5
(c) 1.Qc7 Ka8 2.Ka6 Gc7 3.Qb6 Gb7
Comments: Exact echoes. (My notes have (b) Gb4 to b8, but this seems to be an error)
6 men 4 types (KQGP) 1G
H. P. Rehm
L'Echiquier de France 1957 (#4047 in feenschach)
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Pg4 2.Gh3 Qxc3 3.Gh7 Qf6
1.Kg6 Pg3 2.Gh6 Qb1 3.Kh5 Qf5
Comments: Exact echo, apart from BP and WK.
6 men 4 types (KQGP) 1G
T. Steudel
feenschach 1973
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Kc7 Qb2 2.Kb8 Ga1 3.Ka8 Qh8
Comments: G-Q swap.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. Forsberg
Deutsche MarchenSchach #466 November 1932
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Kd4 2.Ge4 Ph4 3.Gg4 Rf6
1.Kf3 Rb5 2.Gc6 Kd3 3.Gg2 Rf5
Comments: Exact echo.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #3530 1957
Helpmate in 3 with set play, 2 ways
1....Gf2 2.Ge3 Gf4 3.Gg5 Rh6
1.Kg5 Re7 2.Gg6 Pf4 3.Kh6 Rf7
1.Kh4 Re3 2.Gd4 Pf4 3.Gg4 Rh3
Comments: Echoes.
The second solution was found as a cook.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #3537 1957
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Rf4 2.Gg5 Rf3 3.Kh4 Rh3
1.Gg3 Rf4 2.Gg8 Pg3 3.Gg6 Rh4
Comments: Exact echo, apart from WK. Shift of one rank.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #3536 1957
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Kc4 2.Gh3 Gc3 3.Gh5 Pg3
1.Gh3 Ke5 2.Kh5 Gc4 3.Gh6 Pg4
Comments: Exact echo, apart from WR. Shift one rank.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #3535 1957
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Rf6 2.Gg7 Rf5 3.Gg3 Rh5
1.Gb4 Pg5 2.Gg4 Rf6 3.Kh5 Rh6
Comments: Echo.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #3533 1957
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Gg4 2.Kh5 Ph3 3.Gg5 Rh8
1.Kg6 Gg5 2.Kh6 Ph4 3.Gg6 Rh8
Comments: Echo.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #3532 1957
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Rd6 2.Ge7 Rf6 3.Gg5 Rh6
1.Gb6 Ph3 2.Gg6 Rf7 3.Kh5 Rh7
Comments: Echo.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #3531 1957
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Ge8 2.Kh3 Gb8 3.Gh4 Rg3
1.Ge3 Ph3 2.Ge5 Ge6 3.Gh5 Rg4
Comments: Echo.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #4166 1958
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Re6 2.Ge7 Rf6 3.Gg5 Rh6
1.Kg4 Ga7 2.Gh5 Gf2 3.Kh4 Rg3
Comments: Changed mate.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
P. A. Petkow
feenschach #6111 1963
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Ph3 2.Gh4 Gf3 3.Gh6 Rg4
1.Gh3 Rf3 2.Kh4 Gf2 3.Gh5 Rg3
Comments: Exact echo, apart from WK. Shift one rank.
Almost identical to the Rehm problem above.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #3534 1957
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Ph4 2.Gh5 Gf4 3.Gh7 Rg5
1.Gh4 Rf4 2.Kh5 Gf3 3.Gh6 Rg4
Comments: Exact echo, apart from WK. Shift one rank.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #4167 1958
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Rf7 2.Gg8 Rf8 3.Gg6 Rh8
1.Kg5 Gd7 2.Gh5 Rg7 3.Kh4 Rg4
Comments: Changed mate.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #4164 1958
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Gg7 2.Gg8 Rf8 3.Gg6 Rh8
1.Kg5 Gc2 2.Gg6 Ph4 3.Kh6 Rh7
Comments: Changed mate.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #4165 1958
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Gg5 2.Kh6 Rf8 3.Gg6 Rh8
1.Gb6 Ge7 2.Gh6 Rg7 3.Kh5 Rg5
Comments: Changed mate.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #4163 1958
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Gg5 2.Gg4 Rf8 3.Gg6 Rh8
1.Kg7 Gb1 2.Gg6 Rf7 3.Kh6 Rh7
Comments: Changed mate.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 2G
H. P. Rehm
feenschach #4168 1958
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Kd3 2.Gh7 Rg5 3.Kh6 Ge3
1.Gb4 Gc5 2.Gd6 Ge7 3.Gh6 Rg5
Comments: Changed mate.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 1G
M. Jacobs
feenschach #4437 1959
Helpmate in 3, (b) WKe4
(a) 1.Gb7 Ra6 2.Rb6 Ra8 3.Kc6 Rc8
(b) 1.Rc6 Rb3 2.Gb4 Kd3 3.Gd6 Rb5
Comments: Changed mate.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 1G
M. Jacobs
feenschach #4438 1959
Helpmate in 3, (b) Ga5 to f8
(a) 1.Rd7 Kf6 2.Gd5 Rc8 3.Kd6 Pe5
(b) 1.Rb6 Rb7 2.Gd6 Kd8 3.Kc6 Rc7
Comments: Changed mate.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 1G
M. Jacobs
feenschach #4445 1959
Helpmate in 3, two ways
1.Ra5 Kc8 2.Kc6 Re7 3.Rc5 Rxe6
1.Rb6 (tempo) Kd8 2.Rc6 Rb5 3.Kd6 Rd5
Comments: Changed mate. G eliminated in one solution.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 1G
L. Stepan
feenschach #9144 1969
Helpmate in 3 (a) Gh7, (b) Gf6, (c) Gg4
(a) 1.Re4 Gd3 2.Rd4 Gd5 3.Ra4 Rb3
(b) 1.Ka4 Gd6 2.Re5 Pa3 3.Ra5 Rb4
(c) 1.Ka4 Gd7 2.Ka5 Pa4 3.Ra6 Rb5
Comments: Exact echoes.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 1G
A. H. Kniest
feenschach #6413, 1963
Helpmate in 3, (b) Gb2 to b7
(a) 1.P=B Rd3 2.Bc3 Gd4 3.Ra2 Rd1
(b) 1.P=S Ge4 2.Ra2 Rb5 3.Sc2 Rb1
Comments: Waiting move in (a). Promotions.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 1G
T. Steudel
feenschach #4732 1960
Helpmate in 3, (b) Ge6 to h8
(a) 1.Pg6 Gh6 2.Pg5 Gf4 3.Pg4 Rg3
(b) 1.Kh4 Gf6 2.Kh5 Ph4 3.Pg6 Rg5
Comments: Exact echo, apart from WK. Shift of two ranks.
6 men 4 types (KRGP) 1G
R. McClure
Fairy Chess Review #5497, 1943
Helpmate in 3, (b) Rb2 becomes Pb2, (c) Gc4 to a5 in (a)
(a) 1.Rc2 Gc1 2.Rc5/Rg2 Kf3 3.Rg5 Gh6
(b) 1.Pb1=B Gg4 2.Bf5 Ge6 3.Bg6 Gh6
(c) 1.Rb6 Gc7 2.Rb3/Rg6 Kf5 3.Rg3 Gh2
Comments: Echoes. Dualled R moves.
Part (c) was added by J. A. Lewis.
6 men 4 types (KBGP) 2G
J. de A. Almay
Chess Amateur #F1057 August 1927
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Bh4 Pg3 2.Kh3 Kf3 3.Gh2 Pg4
Comments: Tempo.
6 men 4 types (KBGP) 1G
M. Jacobs
feenschach #2541 1955
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Ke5 Bf8 2.Pd5 Gc6 3.Bd6 Bg7
Comments: Tempo by WB. Ideal mate.
6 men 4 types (KBGP) 1G
L. Stepan
feenschach #8987 1968
Helpmate in 3, (b) Ba4 to e4
(a) 1.Kg6 Pf3 2.Kh5 Be3 3.Gh4 Be8
(b) 1.Kg7 Pf4 2.Kh6 Bc5 3.Gh5 Bf8
Comments: Echo.
6 men 4 types (KBGP) 1G
M. E. M. Jago
Fairy Chess Review #6527 (pendant)
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Kb2 Bd5 2.Kc3 Kc6 3.Kd4 Gc3
Comments: Ideal mate. K comes out of corner.
6 men 4 types (KBGP) 1G
P. A. Petkow
feenschach #5982, 1962
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Bc4 2.P=S Be2 3.Sf2 Bc3
1.P=B Bh6 2.Be2 Bd2 3.Kd1 Bb3
Comments: Changed mate. Promotions.
6 men 4 types (KBGP) 1G
M. Jacobs
feenschach #2272 1954
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Kd2 Kf4 2.Pc3 Gb2 3.Kd3 Bb5
Comments: Tempo by BK. Ideal mate.
6 men 4 types (KBGP) 1G
M. Jacobs
feenschach #3207 1956
Helpmate in 3, (b) Kg6 to b3
(a) 1.Ke5 Ba7 2.Pd4 Gc4 3.Pd5 Bb8
(b) 1.Ke5 Ge6 2.Kd4 Ka4 3.Kc5 Ba7
Comments: Partial echo.
6 men 4 types (KBGP) 1G
M. Jacobs
feenschach #3209 1956
Helpmate in 3 (a) Pd7,Be6, (b) Pb7,Bb3
(a) 1.Pd5 Gf5 2.Kb5 Bc8 3.Kc4 Ba6
(b) 1.Kb5 Be6 2.Ka4 Gf5 3.Pb5 Bb3
Comments: Ideal mate in (a). Edge mate and switchback by WB in (b).
6 men 4 types (KBGP) 1G
N. M. Gibbins
Fairy Chess Problems 1946
Helpmate in 3, (b) Pb7 to f7
(a) 1.Bg8 Kc3 2.Bh7 Gh8 3.Bb1 Kb3
(b) 1.Bc4 Ka4 2.Bf1 Ka3 3.P=G Ge1
Comments: Changed mate. Minimal white force.
P on 7th rank serves only to separate the two solutions.
6 men 4 types (KSGP) 2G
A. J. Wijker
Limburgsch Dagblad 1939
Helpmate in 3, 3 ways
1.Kc8 Kc6 2,Gb8 Se8 3.Ghd8 Sd6
1.Gf5 Sd7 2.Gfc8 Sf8 3.Ghe8 Se6
1.Ge5 Sg8 2.Gc8 Se7 3.Gee8 Sc6
Comments: Echoes, apart from WP (which serves only to stop duals).
6 men 4 types (KSGP) 2G
C. E. Kemp
Fairy Chess Review #3981 28 November 1939
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Gf8 2.Ke4 Gf6 3.Gf5 Sc3
1.Pe4 Ke1 2.Ke3 Sa3 3.Gf4 Sc2
Comments: Exact echo.
6 men 4 types (KSGP) 1G
B. Rehm
feenschach #283 1950
Helpmate in 3 with (short) set play
1....Gg5 2.Se5 Se4
1.Sf8 Ge8 2.Sg6 Gh5 3.Se5 Se4
Comments: Identical mates apart from distance of WG.
6 men 4 types (KSGP) 1G
Jan Tazberik
feenschach #7868 1966
Helpmate in 3, (b) Gg8 to h7
(a) 1.Pb4 Sfd6 2.Ga2 Sc5 3.Ka3 Sc4
(b) 1.Ka4 Sfd8 2.Ga7 Sc6 3.Ga3 Sc5
Comments: Exact echo, apart from WK. Shift one rank.
6 men 4 types (KSGP) 1G
M. Jacobs
feenschach #2668 1955
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Ke4 Gg3 2.Pd3 Gc3 3.Pd4 Sf6
Comments: Tenmpo by WG. Ideal mate.
6 men 4 types (KSGP) 1G
E. Holladay
Caissa's Froehliche Tiefgarage #41 1971
Helpmate in 3 (two problems)
a-file 1.Ga3 Kb6 2.Pa1=S Pa7 3.Sb3 Pa8=G
h-file 1.Ph1=B Kg6 2.Bf3 Ph7 3.Bg4 Ph8=B
Comments: Simple exercise.
6 men, 5 types (KRBGP) 1G
W. Morawek
Die Schwalbe p.328, August 1932
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Bg6 PxBg6 2.Gb8 Pg7 3.Rh8 PxRh8=G
Comments: Elimination of Black rook and bishop.
6 men, 5 types (KRBGP) 1G
W. Hagemann
feenschach #309, 1950
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Kf8 Gf4 2.Bh8 Pf6 3.Rg7 Pf7
Comments: Black bishop has to be shut out of play.
6 men, 5 types (KRSGP) 1G
A. Lehmkuhl
feenschach 1975
Helpmate in 3, 2 ways
1.Se6 Kf6 2.Sc7 Kg7 3.Rf8 PxR=Q
1.Sc6 Gd5 2.Sd8 PxS=S 3.OO Sf7
Comments: Completely changed mate. Legality of castling is assumed, cannot be proven.
6 men, 5 types (KRSGP) 1G
T. R. Dawson
Problemist Fairy Chess Supplement #1521, October 1934
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Pb1=G Rg6 2.Gh7 Rg1 3.Sc4! Gh1
Comments: Asymmetry. Only one of eight Black knight moves will do.
6 men, 5 types (KRSGP) 1G
L. Stepan
feenschach #9034, 1969
Helpmate in 3, (b) Gg2 to d2
(a) 1.Sh2 Re5 2.Kh4 Ge2 3.Sg4 Rh5
(b) 1.Sg3 Re6 2.Se4 Pf3 3.Sg5 Rh6
Comments: Partial echo.
6 men, 5 types (KRSGP) 1G
E. Hencke
feenschach #4674, 1960
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Kf3 Sc3 2.Kf4 Rf6 3.Ke5 Pd4
Comments: Symmetric mate, all men on diagonal.
6 men, 5 types (KRSGP) 1G
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
feenschach #1849, 1953
Helpmate in 3, 2 ways
1.Kd3 Kb7 2.Kc4 Rh4 3.Kb5 Rb4
1.Kd3 Gb4 2.Kc2 Rh2 3.Kb1 Rb2
Comments: Partial echo. Why Pawn e3?
6 men, 5 types (KRSGP) 1G
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
feenschach #2733, 1955
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Se7 2.Gd7 Sd5 3.Kd8 Ra8
1.Kd8 Se7 2.Ke8 Sf5 3.Kf8 Ra8
Comments: Partial echo. BP and WK just bystanders.
6 men, 5 types (KBSGP) 1G
R. J. Darvall
Fairy Chess Review #5494, April 1943
Helpmate in 2½, (b) Sb5 to d4
(a) 1.Sd6 Ke7 2.Bb5 Kd8 3.Sf7
(b) 1.Gc2 Kg7 2.Bg6 Kh6 3.Sf5
Comments: Modal changes of B and G guards.
6 men, 5 types (KBSGP) 1G
J. Dohrn-Luttgens
feenschach #3529, 1957
Helpmate in 3 with set play
1....Kf2 2.Pe5 Se6 3.Ke4 Bc2
1.Kd6 Se6 2.Kd7 Gd5 3.Ke8 B4
Comments: Partial echo.
6 men, 5 types (KBSGP) 1G
B. Rehm
feenschach #1913, 1953
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.Kd3 Ge8 2.Pe5 Be6 3.Ke4 Bc4
Comments: G-B battery set-up.
Source Problem number and date
Helpmate in 3
Solution: 1.