© George Jelliss 2002 (revised May 2002).
This part of the Guide to Variant Chess consists mainly of explanations and examples of problem stipulations and themes, but also includes definitions of other terms that do not fit into the other parts i.e. they are not games or pieces. Themes naming features that may be shown in compositions are printed with Initial Capital. Stipulations identifying the types of play in problems are shown in all CAPITALS. Other terms are all lower case. Some terms in other languages are included where they differ greatly from the English; these are printed in italic. Some alternative English terms, not recommended, are shown within "quotes"; these direct you to the preferred name (usually more systematic). Cross references to other web pages are marked: è AKM = all the king's men, KTN = knight's tour notes, VCG = variant chess games. The examples quoted from The Problemist 1967 are from a particularly varied group of problems submitted in honour of G. W. Chandler. There is much to be added, such as a section on twinning.
« A »
Actual play The key move and the moves following it in a chess problem. èsolution after key ètwinning Albino White pawn field task shown in a problem. Allumwandlung [German] Problem theme showing "all the promotions", that is, in orthodox chess, pawn to queen, rook, bishop and knight. ally Piece of the same colour, or neutral. Plural = allies. antipin A piece may not move to a cell because it will cause check (e.g. by acting as a hurdle for a hopper). a posteriori [Latin] Describes a problem in which assumptions made about earlier play are held to be justified by the subsequent play that is made possible. arrival Appearance of a piece on a cell. ~departure assize One of a set of alternative formulations of the laws of a game, which the players may choose before starting. Asymmetry Problem theme in which the arrangement of the pieces is symmetric, yet the play is paradoxically asymmetric. auto- Prefix signifying same colour (e.g. auto-hopper hops only over allies). ~oppo- « B »bare king A position in which one player's forces are reduced to king alone. Considered a win for the other player in some games provided the next move does not result in two bare kings. èVCG: shatranj Battle royal A gladiatorial combat involving only two royal pieces, one of each colour.
Helpmate in 3 with set play
Play: 1.Nd6 Ke5 2.Nf7 Kf6 3.Nh8 Kg7 black to move A stipulation sometimes used in endgame studies. e.g. Black to move, White wins. brunner mate A type of fairy mate, involving the checkmated king being in multiple check with no orthodox last move. èVCG: Brunner chess. Two-move chess, Shinkman type. « C »Caissa The muse of chess. [W. Jones 1763] castle (verb) To make the special compound move of king and rook. chain A sequence of pieces each guarding its successor. Pawn chains often occur in play. check Threat of immediate capture, particularly of a royal piece.
checklock Special case of checkmate in which the player to move has physically no move. simplest checklock position
checkmate Check that cannot be countered. The concept of checkmate is clearly related to the capture of the king, but we cannot substitute the rule that capture of the king is the aim of the game since then stalemate would be a win also.
CHECKMATE IN 0 A trick question, usually solved by rotating the board, or correcting an illegality. CHECKMATE IN N It is white's turn to move and you are required to find the unique first move that will enable white to checkmate black, against any moves black may choose to play, in not more than N moves; at least one line of play taking exactly N moves. CHECKMATE ON GIVEN SQUARES Example: Mate in 6 on d4
citadel A special cell where a hunted king may seek refuge and thus save (draw) the game. These occur, usually accessible from corner cells, in a number of mediaeval variants. èVCG: Timur's game colour Each side is assigned a colour, and may only move pieces of that colour. By current custom the colours are assigned according to the order of play, first player taking the lighter coloured pieces. The colours, and their players, are conventionally known as White and Black, regardless of the actual colours of the pieces, which may for example be yellow and brown. In variants for more than two players however there is no standard set of colours and they can be assigned arbitrarily. An alternative convention is used in Shogi where the pieces instead of being coloured are shaped tiles placed to face away from their player, this is so that captured men can be turned round to become part of one's own forces. Some games include pieces of an extra colour (or half black and half white) which are moved by either player. There may also be pieces moved by neither player; their moves being determined as a consequence of moves of the other pieces. èVCG: All-in chess; AKM: football, imitator, neutrals, supernumeraries. combination A coordinated sequence of moves with two or more pieces of the same colour to gain some advantage. ~manoeuvre compound move An alteration of the position in one turn of play that affects more than one piece. The compound moves in orthodox chess are castling, capture and promotion. control A piece controls any cell on which it could capture, or where a royal piece would be in check. ~attack, guard, observe coordinates To record the moves in a game, the files are lettered a, b, c, ... and the ranks are numbered 1, 2, 3, ... so that each cell, being at the intersection of file and rank, has a unique name consisting of a file-letter followed by a rank-number.
cordon A barrier of controlled or blocked cells that cuts off a king from part of the board. countercheck A check in reply to a check. It is either a crosscheck or a return capture check. countermate èVCG: Checkless chess. crosscheck A countercheck by interposition. « D »deadlock Special case of stalemate in which all moves are physically blocked. defence A move that stops a check or threat, or a system of moves designed to stop a more elaborate attack. degeneracy The endgame situation when the Ks are accompanied by remnants of their forces insufficient for checkmate to be possible. No move by either player can win or lose.
departure Disappearance of a piece from a cell. ~arrival direct check The moved piece itself attacks the king. direct play The normal adversarial play found in games, in which each tries to prevent the other from winning, as contrasted with ~help play or ~series play. discovered check A piece other than the moved piece checks the king because its line of action, previously blocked by the moved piece, has been opened. Example: Grasshoppers. Mate in 4
(G over K discovers check from Bh1). Try: 1.Be4 g3 2.Kb8 g×h2 3.Kc8 h1Q 4.Gf3 (stopped by 3....h1G!) double check Two pieces attack the king simultaneously. This can be the aim of a problem play. double checkmate An unusual situation in which a checkmated player, ignoring the check to his king, can play a move to checkmate his opponent. Double checkmate in 2
double stalemate Stalemate in which the stalemating player would also be stalemated if it were his turn to play. DRAW An endgame problem stipulation; it is assumed that it is white's turn to play. Draw
Duplex A problem in which there is a second solution in which the roles of black and white are reversed. For example in a duplex helpmate in 2, there is the usual solution in which black moves first and is mated on white's second move, but there is also a solution in which white moves first and is mated on black's second move. « E »Excelsior Problem showing a pawn travelling from its initial position to promotion. « F »fairy mate A final position using only orthodox pieces that is not mate under orthodox rules, but is under the variant rules in operation. Fifty move rule A player must agree to a draw if requested by the other player when at least 50 consecutive move-pairs have been played without a reversible move (i.e. a capture or pawn move) being made. Originally introduced by FIDE in the 1920s. The rule was recently increased to 75 for certain special positions that have been shown by computerised endgame analysis to be winnable only in more than 50 pairs of irreversible moves against best defence. èLogjam, VCG: Knighted chess in disguise Who wins?
fork Direct attack on two major pieces simultaneously. èmultirex « G »Game score? A stipulation meaning: Reconstruct the game that led to this position. go A transformation of position that can be accomplished by one player in one turn; it may consist of a series of moves. In some games the change of position in one go can be considerable. èplay, VCG: Progressive chess, Two-move chess groupmate èmultirex « H »half-pin Two pieces of the same colour stand in the way of a line piece attacking their king; so that when one moves the other is pinned. help play Play (found in problems) in which the players cooperate in the required task, though not to the extent of making illegal moves. The aim of the play can be checkmate, stalemate, double stalemate, check, capture, symmetry and so on. HELPMATE IN N It is black's turn to move and you are required to find the unique sequence of alternating black and white moves that will lead to checkmate of black on white's Nth move. Helpmate in 2 (2 ways)
Helpmate in 3
(WB unpinned three times) Helpmate in 10
8.e6 Bh7 9.Be7 f8N 10.d5 Nd7 HELPMATE IN N½ It is white's turn to move and you are required to find the unique sequence of alternating white and black moves that will lead to checkmate of black on white's (N+1)th move. HELPSTALEMATE Play as for helpmate but with stalemate the objective. Helpstalemate in 4
HELPCOMPELMATE Help-play leading to a self-mate in 1 position. horizontal cylinder Board in which the top and bottom edges are joined. ètorus, VCG: Anti-chess, Horizontal cylinder chess « I »ideal mate A final position in which there is total economy and purity in use of the forces; every piece being involved and essential to the mate and no duplication of effort. irreversibility of previous move This is a law not needed in orthodox chess, since none of the moves made by one player can be immediately reversed by the opponent, but it is essential in numerous variants; èVCG: All-in chess, Dynamo chess italian mate èVCG: Progressive chess, Italian rules « J » « K » « L »LIKE-MAN-MOVER Restriction in which a player must move the same species of man as that last moved by the opponent. lock A special case of mate in which the player to move has physically no available move, i.e. no considerations of check are involved. èchecklock, deadlock logjam A set of pieces confined within a barrier with only one vacant cell, so that a convoluted series of movements is necessary to get one out (usually a king). Logjams may be puzzles in themselves or part of a larger problem, especially a retro. èFifty move rule Play K×N, N and Ps not moving
(R2 means move R on rank 2) loose pin A pin in which the pinned piece can move along the pin line. Grasshoppers. Maximumer Selfmate in 3
(Q moves along pin line, cannot take at b1 because of antipin.) |
« M »
manoeuvre A sequence of non-capture moves by one or more pieces. mate A state of the game in chess at which there is no legal move for the player whose turn it is to move. There can be no more play, so the game is at an end. If the player to move is in check the position is checkmate, while if he is not in check it is stalemate. Unfortunately this meaning of mate is subverted by its habitual use as an abbrebviation of "checkmate". The term is also used as a verb meaning to make a move, or initiate a combination, ending in mate. MAXIMUMMER Problem condition in which a player must play his longest move, or one of them if there is a choice. The length being calculated from cell centre to cell centre along the line of move. (The line of move need not be straight. èAKM: nonlinear pieces, mao, rose MAXIMUMMER SELFMATE Selfmate with black restricted by the maximummer condition. Maximummer Selfmate in 2
MAXI-SELFMATE = Maximummer selfmate. MINIMUMMER Like maximummer but the restriction is to shortest moves. mirror mate A checkmate finale in which all squares of the king's field are vacant. This can be the aim of the stipulation. mobility The average number of cells that can be reached by a piece under favourable circumstances. The mobility of a composite piece is the sum of the mobilities of its components provided their powers do not overlap. èAKM: For list of pieces and their mobilities on the 8 by 8 board model mate A pure mate in which all the attacking officers, but not necessarily all the pawns, take part. This can be the aim of the stipulation. monomate èmultirex move The transfer of a single piece from one cell to another, together with any consequent alterations to the position.
Multiplet Three or more closely related positions with the same stipulation. ètwin Mate in 2 (a) diagram (b) black B f2 (c) black N f2
Multirex The possibility of having more than one royal piece on each side has been experimented with from time to time and is known as multirex or rex multiplex. The results of such a variation in the rules lead to considerable complexities, because all the basic concepts, like check and mate, have to be redefined and there are several different ways this can be done, none of which has a clear claim to be the best way.
Multi-stipulation A problem that is to be solved under two or more different stipulations. (a) Mate in 7, (b) Selfmate in 7
(b) 3...Kh6 4.Qf6 Kh4 5.Bg6 Kh6/Kg4 6.Bf5 Kh5 7.Pg4 P×P(e.p.) (a) Mate in 2, (b) Helpmate in 2, (c) Selfmate in 2, (d) Helpstalemate in 2
(b) 1.e5 e8=Q 2.e4 Q×e4 (c) 1.e8=B e5 2.Bc2 e4 (d) 1.e5 e8=R 2.e4 R×e4 stalemate NON-PASSANT RULE The rule that royal pieces may not pass through check. This applies to the king's double step in castling in orthodox chess. But in the case of royal riders it is usually assumed that they can ride through check unless the non-passant rule is specified (on the principle that anything not prohibited is allowed). « O » « P »Palamedes Ancient Greek Prince to whom is attributed numerous inventions including the game Petteia, thought by some to be a precursor of chess. Hence the adoption of the name Palamède for the first chess magazine (founded by L.C.M. de la Bourdonnais in 1836) and as a pen name by several chess writers. passing check A check that occurs during a move but is not evident at the beginning or end. Passing checks can occur when (1) a royal piece passes over a guarded square or (2) a piece passes through a square on which, if it stopped, it would itself check, or cause another piece to check, the opposing royalty, or (3) a pinned piece or shielding piece moves from one pinned or shielding position to another.
perpetual check A special case of draw by repetition, in which one player can give check on every succeeding move. Draw
pin A position in which a certain piece if removed would leave its king in check. The piece is said to be pinned. ~antipin
pin mate Checkmate with a defender unable to defeat the check because pinned. play A move or series of moves that can be made in one turn. pure mate A checkmate or stalemate in which the cells of the king's field are blocked or attacked no more than once. Pure mate may be the aim of the stipulation. « Q » « R »recursion There are sometimes dangers in formulating rules that have to be repeatedly applied in order to determine the legality of a move or situation. These can sometimes lead to endless arguments or infinite regressions that never settle the question. A supplementary rule may be necessary to settle these cases. èVCG: Symbolic chess, Barrier chess, Checkless chess, Checkless circe chess, Pin chess REFLEXMATE IN N Selfmate played under the rules of reflex chess: white plays first and forces black to deliver checkmate on his Nth move, assisted and obstructed by the rule that either player must give checkmate in one if the chance arises. Reflexmate in 3
(threat 2.Rh2 b2/R- 3.K×a2/Bg2 b1Q/b2) 1...R×N (2.Rh2? Rc4) 2.R×b3 any 3.Rb1 a×b1Q resignation Conceding defeat; which a player may do at any stage before a terminal position is reached. To cover the case when a player simply walks out, or fails to post a reply, a time limit needs to be specified after which he cannnot return to resume the game. Moving the king into check is regarded as signalling resignation. Retroanalysis The art of deduction from a chess problem position, and any other information given, of possible plays that may have led up to the position, on the assumption that it has been reached from the usual opening position by legal though not necessarily sensible play. Given black to move (a) Was white's last move a capture? (b) Helpmate in 2
Not Ke2-f1 since Ng1 impossible. Not e2×f3 since Be1 is promoted 8th black P which entered via e2. ... (b) 1.Re3 B×b2 2.d3 d×e3 Not 1.d×c4(ep) K×e1 2.b1B d4 rex exclusive (RE) Means the variant rules do not apply to the kings (or any other royal pieces). rex inclusive (RI) Means the variant rules apply to the kings (or any other royal pieces). rex multiplex èmultirex royal battery One with royalty as front piece. « S »selfcheck An illegal move that leaves your own king in check. SELFMATE IN N White plays and forces black to deliver checkmate on his Nth move. Selfmate in 2
Selfmate in 3
self-pin A move that leaves the moved piece or an allied piece pinned. Grasshoppers. Mate in 2
1...e5/Ge5/N×d4/N-else/G×d4/e×f5 (four of these are self-pins) 2.Ng5/Qd5/Gd5/Gf3/Rf4/Nf3 SEMI-REFLEXMATE IN N Reflexmate with the reflex condition applying only to black. Series play Play in which one player makes two or more moves while the other player does nothing. The usual convention is that check may only be given on the last move of the series, and the player may only be in check at the start of the series. èVCG: Progressive chess, Two-move chess, Triplets
Set play In a chess problem, the moves that follow if it is assumed to be the other player's turn to play. Siamese kings èmultirex skewer Pin of one major piece against another. èmultirex solution All the interesting play to be found in a chess problem. This usually! includes the actual play, but may also involve set play, try play, retroanalysis, and perhaps other features. stalemate The player to move has no legal move and is not in check. This may be because the moves are physically blocked, or because they would expose a royal piece to check. èdeadlock stalematemate A checkmate position in which the mating player is stalemated if capture of the king is considered illegal. step A straight move {r,s} which does not pass over the centre of any intermediate cell. This occurs when the coordinates r and s have no common divisor other than 1; the shortest steps are: {0,1}, {1,1}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}, {1,4}, {3,4}, and so on. strict The exact number of moves must be played, not less than the specified the number. "SUIMATE" An old name for selfmate. supermate èmultirex « T »torus Board (used in problems) in which left and right edges are joined and also top and bottom edges = combined vertical and horizontal cylinder. "Total" Sometimes used to mean èRex Inclusive, i.e. the new rules apply to all the pieces. try A move that almost solves a chess problem. In the case of a direct move problem there is ideally only one move that defeats the try.
unit A unit of time is a move, of space a cell, of force a piece, of law a rule. unpin Release of a pin; this may be by the pinning piece moving away (withdrawal unpin), by a piece interposing on the pin line (interference unpin) or by capture of the pinning piece (capture unpin). « V »variation A branch-line of play, in problem or game analysis, following an initial move or introductory play; usually classified as main and side variations. « W »win According to the current laws of Chess checkmate is counted a win for the player who makes the last move, while stalemate is a draw.
zeroposition A problem position which is not itself the starting position for play, but generates two or more such starting positions by a twinning procedure, such as moving a piece. The following example seems to have been the first of the kind. Mate in 2 (a) Nf4 at e8 (b) Bf1 at e2 (c) Rh1 at b5 (d) Qb4 at c2
(b) 1.h8B Kg8/Ke8 2.Bc4/Bh5 (c) 1.h8R Kf6/Kg7 2.Qf8 (d) 1.h8Q Ke7 2.Qc7 zugzwang The obligation to move. |