The Nature of Paganism. It has long puzzled me that Pagans, who are basically Nature Worshippers, seem not content to simply worship Nature, but in addition, or instead, have to introduce all sorts of Gods into their worship. Do they really need to do this? It is often difficult to tell how far they believe in the actual existence of these Gods or whether they accept that they are just imaginative personifications of Natural phenomena.
I could easily go along with a Secular Paganism that simply accepts that we humans are a part of Nature and should fit in with its workings in a way that is not too disruptive. This indeed is the attitude of many people who are environmentalists concerned with the way human behaviour has upset the balance of Nature, causing climate change and extinction of many species. None of this conflicts with the findings of science, in fact it depends on science.
I could also go along with various experimental forms of human relationship or social structures that Pagans tend to adopt, such as schemes of polyamory, or practices such as nudism.
Where I totally fall out with Pagans however is in their espousal of Magic. This is surely a plain case of self-delusion. I know some Pagans who try to justify their belief in magic by using Carl Jung's concept of "Synchronicity". But to me this is just as suspect as magic itself and largely nonsensical.
The Wheel of the Year. This is the division of the year into a number of parts, marked by celebratory rites. The number varies, though eight is popular. I give links to various accounts:
New Age, Pagan and Wiccan Websites
Magus Books and Herbs
Enlightenment . Com
Erik Davis: Techgnosis
Church of All Worlds Gaia-oriented
Military Pagan Network
Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans
The Witches' Voice
Council on Spiritual Practices
Ozark Avalon Church of Nature
Covenant of the Goddess
New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn NROOGD.
Pour Down Like Silver Jehanna Silverwing, Pictish Wicca
Reclaiming Witchcraft and Magical Activism, San Francisco Bay
Magickal Cauldron Psychic and Astrology
The Wiccan / Pagan Times
Fellowship of the Earth
Serpentine Music Ann Hill
Spiral Goddess Grove
Blessed Bees Melissa Oringer
Temple of Goddess Spirituality
Ord Brighideach
Isaac Bonewits' Cyberhenge
The Dance
Circle Sanctuary
Foxwood Temple of the Old Religion
Blog o' Gnosis Ann Hill
Ecumenical Spirituality
Belief Net
Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions
United Religions Initiative
Starr King School for the Ministry (Unitarian Universalist)
California Institute of Integral Studies
New College of California
Maes Howe Orkney
FalconCam (was Kodak birdcam)
Arbor Day Foundation
(US) National Parks Service
Hawaii Volcanoes
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Ethnic Cultures
Hawaiian Culture
Epona Celtic Goddess of Horses
Qadash Kinahnu Canaanite Phoenician Temple
Gender Studies
Wendy Griffin Women's Studies (California State University Long Beach)
Laura Raine
MP3s ?
Radio ?
Pagan Music
Lost Websites
New Alexandria Library Site being "restructured".
Horse Goddess "The modern journey begins soon". Revival of Epona.
Most of the above links are derived from Witchcraft and the Web:
Weaving Pagan Traditions Online by M. Macha Nightmare (ECW Press, Toronto, 2001).
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, many of the links given in the book are no
longer operational.
New additions:
children of arachne
fairy ring tarot &
hearth of arianrhod
This article was compiled in 2007