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GPJ Publications

Serial Publications

These are now listed separately on their own pages

Knight's Tour Notes

Published 26 September 2019. This series of 12 monographs, contain much of the material from my Knight's Tour Notes web-pages. It was orignally proposed to publish it in book form but has proved too much to reproduce that way.

Variant Chess

I produced Volume 1 of 8 issues starting in 1990. Volume 2 of 12 issues was continued by Peter Wood. Subsequently it became the magazine of the British Chess Problem Society and ran to 8 volumes and 64 issues up to 2010. A volume was edited by myself, two volumes by Paul Byway and three by John Beasley.

The Games and Puzzles Journal

This was issued in two printed volumes and then went online: Volume 1 was of twelve issues (1987-1989) and Volume 2 of six issues #13 - #18 (1996-2001).
The online Volume 3 ran to 27 issues, usually each of five topics, #19 - #45 (2001 - 2010).


Two volumes and 30 issues were published 1976 - 1987. The subtitle The Journal of Generalised Chess was introduced from issue #14 onwards. Volume 2 included four Special Issues: #22 Notes on Knight's Tours, #24 Theory of Leapers, #26 Magic Tours, #28 Chessboard Dissections.

Small Booklets and Cards

Directory of Numbers — by G. P. Jelliss — April 2022 — file size: 354 KB.
This is a 24-page list of all numbers up to 999 and then all numbers up to 9999 not ending in 0, 2 or 5.
It indicates whether a nunber is Prime or else shows its prime factors and their powers.
To factorise four-digit numbers ending in 0, 2 or 5 divide by 10, 2 or 5 and look up the smaller number resulting.

The Learian Limericks
A PDF version is now (22 July 2013) available.

Simple Chess Variants
This 14-page A4 booklet was compiled for a talk I gave on 21 August 2010 at the Hastings and St Leonards Chess Club.
It is based on the notes on Chess Variants page but deals only with variants that can be played using normal board and pieces.

Exact Echoes — by G. P. Jelliss — July 2010 — file size: 1.67 MB.
This 50-page A4 booklet derives from the successful ‘Exact Echoes Tourney’ which was announced in Chessics issue 15 in 1983, entries being published in issues 17 to 21 and the award in issue 23 in 1985. Composers were asked to send in not only their original compositions but also outstanding examples of their previous work, or the work of others that they considered should not be missed, with a view to publishing a booklet on the subject. Twenty-five years on I can now publish the collection in electronic form (as a PDF), but I have not so far attempted to bring the collection up to date to cover work done in the intervening years.

Figurate Numbers — by G. P. Jelliss — June 2008, with additions November 2008 — file size: 1.39 MB.
This 16-page A4 booklet is an account of numbers that can be represented by counters arranged in various geometrical formations. This is work in progress, and I hope to issue an extended version when further work has been completed. It includes tables of all numbers from 0 to 999 with their prime factors and details of their shapes. Particular emphasis is placed on numbers that can be presented in two different shapes.

New Year and Millennium Card — by G. P. Jelliss — issued end of 1999 to a few correspondents — file size: 289 KB — sideways view.
The card, on two A4 pages, features four 12 by 12 magic knight's tours with the two diagonals adding to 1740 (twice the magic constant 870), the nearest to diagonal magic being 870 ± 22.

Synthetic Games — by G. P. Jelliss — First published 1998 — file size: 6.42 MB.
This booklet, of 22 A4 pages, is a collection of chess puzzles with the stipulation "Play the shortest possible game leading to ..." where the conditions "..." can take many forms.

Figured Tours, A Mathematical Recreation — by G. P. Jelliss — First published 1997 — file size: 4.16 MB.
This offshoot to my knight's tour studies is a 22-page A4-size booklet containing more than 225 tours showing specified numbered cells in geometrical formations. It includes all 100 of T. R. Dawson's tours that show the square numbers in a knight chain, and has my 144-cell Fibonacci tour (from The Games and Puzzles Journal #13, 1996) on the first page.

Retro-Opposition, and Other Retro-Analytical Chess Problems by T. R. Dawson — edited by G. P. Jelliss
— First published 1989, reset 1997 — file size: 6.61MB.
This 24-page A4-size booklet contains all 111 of T. R. Dawson's Retro-opposition compositions, together with a selection of his other retros. It is based on a 1928 manuscript booklet, Seventy Five Retros, in the BCPS Archive.
[The 1989 edition was B5 (quarto) size reduced from A4 paste-up originals, with "letraset" chess diagrams. In 1997 all the text and diagrams were redone using computer type-setting, with "linares" diagrams.]

PDF documents

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To read "sideways" pages without straining your neck, go into the "View" menu and under "Rotate View" click "Clockwise".