The Edgehog, invented by John Driver, is a Queen that can move only to or from the edge cells of the board.
The 'or' can be inclusive (I-type) where moves from edge to edge are permitted, or exclusive (E-type) where they are prohibited.
Applied to Grasshoppers the same principle produces Edgehoppers.
See also the Retroanalysis section for an Edge Chess composition.
December 1975 (p.560)
Helpmate in 9. |
Solution: 1.Ke2 Kg2 2.Eh1 Ee8 3-6.Ka6 Kc6 7.Eb7 Kc7 8.Ka7 Kc8† 9.Ka8 Ec6‡ (BCM Jun 1976 p.269) |
(solution May 1977 p.237)
Mate in 2 |
Solution: 1.Ra6 Exc5/Exc4/Eg5/Ef7 2.Bxc5/Rxc4/Ea3/Ea2 mate. |