ç MCC Index

The Greater Grasshopper

G. P. Jelliss
New Ideas Tourney Bournemouth 1989
Greater Grasshopper c2. Normal Gs d8, f8.
Helpmate in 2. (a) diagram, (b) c2 to g2.

The greater grasshopper is a piece like the grasshopper but able to act in any direction not just along queen lines, i.e. a universal fore-hopper. On the 8 by 8 board it is grasshopper + nightriderhopper + camelhopper + zebrahopper.

(a) 1.Gc5 GGf8 (knight line) 2.Gd5 GGb2 (zebra line)‡
(b) 1.Gd5 GGd8 (knight line) 2.Gc5 GGb2 (camel line)‡
The same mate in each solution, with check along knight line.