The British Chess Variants Society

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The British Chess Variants Society

The British Chess Variants Society was formed in 1997 by contributors and subscribers to the magazine Variant Chess which was begun in January 1990 and which was then subsequently published by the Society. The Society was wound up following the AGM held on 25 September 2010 and the Variant Chess magazine ceased publication at the same time. However all 64 issues of the magazine remain available as PDF downloads from our Variant Chess page or from the VC section of The John and Sue Beasley Website.

The BCVS Library, a collection of books and magazines, was transferred via the English Chess Federation to the National Chess Library in December 2011.

A website for the BCVS had been set up in 2001 on a free dial-up site "ukf.net" and was maintained until 2010. However it seems the age of free dial-up sites has now come to an end and the BCVS pages vanished into the ether around 8 May 2013. The pages are reconstructed here.

Clicking on the Forward link above will take you to a version of the BCVS website published in August 2010. Thanks to Sue Beasley for preserving this. Note that we are presenting this as an archive,
so postal addresses, email addresses, and links to external websites may be out of date. Apart from minor adjustments, only this introductory page will be updated.

John Beasley indicates that a copy of the original website (dated 1 October 2010) is still accessible via web.archive.org known as "the wayback machine":
type in www.bcvs.ukf.net in reply to the "http://" prompt, click on "Take Me Back", and then click on the date highlighted in the calendar shown.

This page has been designed to match the style of the original website.

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